Toronto Monde | 149.95m | 44s | Great Gulf | Moshe Safdie

Every time I see it, I think of the amusement ride manufacturer. I do like the name. Hopefully they come up with something just as good.
From June 2011 CEO Report to Waterfront Toronto Board:

"With the reconfirmation of stakeholder support at a recent meeting hosted by Councillor McConnell, Great Gulf is in the process of putting the final touches on the Safdie-designed building and making their formal Site Plan submission. All indications lead to a marketing launch this fall."
The new name for this project is Monde.

It was revealed today at the opening of Sherbourne Common north. We have a dtaBase entry for the building here.

The building is launching in September, and is intended to open for occupancy in 2015.



This is a very exciting project -- it really seems like the first outpost of the new residential eastern waterfront.
2015 seems like a long way off no ? Let's say construction starts 1 year from now i.e. mid 2012 - they're saying it'll take 3 years roughly ?

I really really hope the East Bayfront developments also planned to have a couple phases finished by 2015 so it won't just be this building.
considering they haven't even started sales yet .... it wouldn't be too far off that they 'may' start construction towards the end of 2012/beginning of 2013 .... which may work out to be 2.5 years construction, sounds pretty reasonable
I really really hope the East Bayfront developments also planned to have a couple phases finished by 2015 so it won't just be this building.

Hines is also preparing its first launch currently too, and yes, they intend to have their first building occupying in 2015. Both the north and south sides of Sherbourne Common will have a definitive east border by then!

That big pool looks great. Finally a condo pool where you can actually swim laps instead of just splash around like a 4-year-old. Overall, pretty impressive project.
If the rendering is to be taken as 'accurate', I counted 42 storeys on it ~
I love how so many projects in Toronto, are using the balconies in so many different ways.
It is rather notable, isn't it? I suppose it is understandable, as one can use balconies to define a look fairly cheaply (as in One Bloor) without having to have a radical design for the actual main structure (as in Absolute World). That said, Monde seems to be doing a bit of both -- an interesting overall building form, with cool balconies to add additional interest.
