Firstly, waaaaay too dense.
secondly, I don't understand how the Section 37 allocation is worked out. A large chunk is set aside for non-profit child-care families, but none for the local schools. This development would naturally lie in the catchment for Swansea PS. Swansea school is already at 120% capacity, and the kids from NXT are being bussed to Humbercrest PS (up Jane St., almost as far as Dundas St. W.) The cost of the bussing is picked up by the TDSB. An addition is to be built onto Swansea, but the current budget is $11m and only $8m has been set aside for it. A development with 283 2 bedroom units is going to add further pressure to situation, but none of the Section 37 money goes to provide space in the school for the children who will move into the area. Almost all of the Section 37 projects are wants, but school space is a need. What is the role of the City Councillor in drawing up the list and is there a mechanism to get some of this money diverted to necessary community infrastructure?