Toronto Minto Yorkville Park Condos | 75.89m | 25s | Minto Group | IBI Group

Interesting, wasn't aware of that!

But does anyone have the square footage of what 88 Cumberland was, and 80 Bloor St West and 10 St Mary?
80 Bloor West ~ 200K, 10 St. Mary ~ 70K, I think 88 Cumberland ~ 70-90K.
I didn't think Casa was 150K I thought it was only 50K but I could be wrong.
Would seems we're both slightly off the mark; it's actually about 100k sq ft as per the final planning report.

And thanks for the numbers. Even with Casa3 coming in slightly lower than I initially pegged it at, that still leaves the area with about 500k square feet of new space, which would be a net increase of 100-150k. It's hardly huge, but even so, it's definitely nice to know that we're nonetheless seeing an overall increase in space (and to have the numbers to validate that fact)!

Edit: And just to veer slightly further off topic, since we're on the subject, broadening things to look at the some of the other office developments that are occurring between the core and Bloor, there's still about 50k in Wellesley on the Park, 35k in Alter (which will be an increase over what's currently there, though not sure by how much), and 40k in the Oak Towers addition, plus the "partial 8th floor addition" to 800 Bay St (for whatever that's worth), and that small addition to Oddfellows Hall.

There's also the Ontario Government office building at 880 Bay, which will inevitably get built at some point, long a way off as that may be, nevermind Mars2's still relatively recent and massive 700k sq ft contribution.

By contrast, the only office space that's really been lost, as I can recall, would've been that medical office building on Wellesley East, where Vox is going up, this one, that went down for 1001 Bay, and about a floor of office space above the retail at 460 Yonge, so overall, also a pretty good level of growth happening south of Bloor (but north of the core) as well.
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I'm amazed that the Ontario Government building at 880 Bay has sat vacant for such a long time. Is there anything being planned for that location?
There was a study about the Y&B market a while ago, essentially it cited it was a very stable market, similar to Yonge and St. Clair, where the demand is strong (generally smaller tenants) but the cost of land coupled with rental prices, doesn't justify much in the way of new office development, compared to say downtown, where the land is similary priced but demands higher rents, NYCC is a similar story ... all these sub-markets have very low availability rates, but that's not the only factor when it comes to developers building.

I agree though I'm Ok with the amount of office space that exists currently, namely if we don't see any space lost and maybe a little growth like you're describing.

I think folks need to keep this mind: While not cool for us skyscraper geeks, a ton of new growth comes from renovating the existing office stock (manulife comes to mind) many of the existing offices buildings were last remodeled in the era where 300 square foot per employee averages were still the norm, though today this is much closer to say 100 or so. So rest assured while manulife vacated a lot of space (I don't think they actually got rid of anyone) they just consolidated and leased out there space (FYI the TTC took most of it, as they were in dire need of new space).

So while not cool for us this increased the number of employees in an area which is the end goal either way.
With that said I think Y&E really could use more office space given how accessible it is / will be ... and this is an area where 0 new office space has been added, actually space has been lost throughout the years to new development. I think the node will have a better chance once all the construction is done.

Hi-way 7 in Markham is a similar story, huge office node (a bit smaller than NYCC but covers a huge area) where honestly there hasn't been much in new office development (note this does not include the downtown Markham node) some blame the BRT construction. We'll see.
With that said I think Y&E really could use more office space given how accessible it is / will be ... and this is an area where 0 new office space has been added, actually space has been lost throughout the years to new development. I think the node will have a better chance once all the construction is done.

Hi-way 7 in Markham is a similar story, huge office node (a bit smaller than NYCC but covers a huge area) where honestly there hasn't been much in new office development (note this does not include the downtown Markham node) some blame the BRT construction. We'll see.

I guess my question is what happens in 20 years or more when all the land at these prime transit locations are built up. Not likely to see condos being torn down for office space. In my "ideal" world 1 Bloor W and E would be major office towers.
Starting to come down.



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Anon - can you expand on the above? Is there thought that tower might be cancelled?

Yea cause it's heritage or may be, they were going to build on top, but yea no office space at all ... the city will probably fight them on that one (rightfully ..)
