Toronto Minto Westside | 68.88m | 20s | Minto Group | Wallman Architects

Here are some images of the site plan I took over the weekend. Even with a few closeup shots it's still a little difficult to make out some of the individual heights, so I've marked them in blue so that everyone can get a better understanding of what they're looking at. It seems that the entire plan is more than just 4 individual towers, but a series of buildings of various heights.




Project has been submitted for re-zoning and is going through review process by city staff. A sign on the site tells you who the planner to contact for more information.

What's interesting about the bike parking is that it is all inside the development. What happens for bikes of people who arrive at the building and who don't live there?
Does this picture indicate that the yellow building on the South/West corner is now totally gone?

BTW, what do they do with all the rubble? Does it get proccessed and reused at all or is it just dumped in a landfill and if so where?

Pics taken July 18, 2011

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Does this picture indicate that the yellow building on the South/West corner is now totally gone?

The yellow building is still there, actually all of the buildings along Bathurst remains intact.
It's really interesting that from Bathurst (and even Niagara Street) you can't even see or even tell the demolition going on.
Either they are respecting the community by minimizing sight and exposure of demolition or it's more of a political decision on their part.
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Here are some images of the site plan I took over the weekend. Even with a few closeup shots it's still a little difficult to make out some of the individual heights, so I've marked them in blue so that everyone can get a better understanding of what they're looking at. It seems that the entire plan is more than just 4 individual towers, but a series of buildings of various heights.


Thank you for gathering all the details ... very informative !!

IMO, the proposal has A LOT of, maybe too much, massing on the property ... considering the "podium" elements are 4, 9, 14 and 16 storeys respectively, the podium links are equalvalent to typcial slab buildings .... I'm sure west facing units in Reve would enjoy their view towards the alleyway between their site and this development (where the 16s slab podium is proposed)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but that site plan seems to suggest they're aiming for something that looks more or less like a sandcastle.... relatively tall "walls" on the sides (with the exception of the 4 storey segment facing Front) with "parapets" on the corners.

Interesting that despite the complete project reboot from the thread's first page, the very basic quadrangle+courtyard format from the original design is still sort of alive, although I imagine that's where the similarities will end. When they say 1 storey for the middle section, does that mean they're literally roofing over the courtyard 1 storey up--perhaps for the grocery store--or could it still mean ground-level open space?

I realize a lot of the tone of the initial neighbourhood concern about the site was fixated on height and height alone, but I can't help but wonder now that all this 16-19 storey slab is on offer if the community might feel the same number of units in a pair of 30 storey point towers might have been a lesser evil. It'll be taller than the tallest part of Rêve next door around the majority of the perimeter.
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Too bad they couldn't incorporate the old warehouse/factory into the new Whole Foods. That would have made a great space for a grocery store. Oh well. Vancouver does great street level grocery at the base of new condos's so i guess they can do it here if it is done right... hopefully.
