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Toronto Media Landscape and Personalities

CityNews these days is relying heavily on sensationalism, especially given that a stolen Snoopy decoration in Brampton did not even make it to the "snippets" in the Toronto Star's Greater Toronto Area section.

Yet, the Toronto Star had to interview me about the Jays (and it was in the main section with a colour photograph of my face):

It has a few errors. For example, the article states that I am 25; I am actually 27. The Toronto Star had to issue a corrections notice:

That is no doubt sensationalism. What I did was just routine editing on Wikipedia. Nothing special.
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Ghomeshi acquitted of all charges. Opponents all choked up.

This from KWT: "#Ghomeshi never denied choking + punching the survivors. Yet the women were put on trial." That is so ignorant I don't even know where to start. I voted for her twice, but frankly she stooped to the level of our late mayor with such a statement.
Some of the comments regarding the G trial are disturbing... This one in particular:

"He is still guilty .... history books will prove it. The courts are a corrupt game played by lawyers and judges to justify their existence."

I'm not sure I'd want to live in a world where a simple j'accuse gets someone thrown in jail. Beyond a reasonable doubt is a fair ask given someone's life is at stake.
I believe he is guilty, but there's no way he was going to be found as such with these three accusers. They lied, withheld relevant info and colluded - basically a prosecution's nightmare trio of witnesses.
It looked more like a conspiracy of fangirls scorned than anything else really... Heinen's quite the lawyer.
I think that's unfair. I believe they were like all of us, flawed. They were, IMO, assaulted, but lost their credibility due to failure to disclose, along with at minimum the appearance of collusion.

Gomeshi has another trial in June. I imagine that witness or apparent victim is being super prepared. And, I expect more women to come forward with additional charges.
I think that's unfair. I believe they were like all of us, flawed. They were, IMO, assaulted, but lost their credibility due to failure to disclose, along with at minimum the appearance of collusion.

Gomeshi has another trial in June. I imagine that witness or apparent victim is being super prepared. And, I expect more women to come forward with additional charges.

I think that's more than fair. What a waste of the court's time this entire episode was. Not to disclose such absolutely crucial evidence? I love your hands? You kicked my ass last night and that makes me want to fuck your brains out, tonight? Please, someone was having a Fifty Shades of G(homeshi) fantasy before the book even came out.

He is all kinds of scumbag, but it seems whatever proclivities he was into, they were quite consensual. Now the next trial will be interesting... Sexual harrassment in the workplace could be easier to prove, but I have no doubts Heinen will come prepared (with 10 year old emails/text messages/pictures) to prove that in the court of law, the court of public opinion is garbage.

Thankfully, this is why we have to prove a case beyond reasonable doubt, especially when the evidence is somebody's word against yours (which makes it fair game to question and rip apart the credibility of a complainant) . If I randomly accused you of rape, you'd wish the courts had a chance to take a deep dive, instead of simply being guilty because I said so.
Honestly? It's an open secret amongst journalists and editors that Ghomeshi is a bad, rotten, apple. Just no actual evidence before whatever Ghomeshi showed the CBC executives came in.

And honestly, go talk to people who work with sexual assault and domestic violence victims. The "coming back for more" is common. It doesn't mean what happened is null and void.

It's like how everyone knew Ford was smoking crack before the Gawker story broke. There were articles written at a few major newspapers, but nobody would publish thanks to this wonderful thing known as libel laws. Just no evidence. Gawker and the Toronto Star took huge risks with publishing.
Toronto appeared on the New York Times today.

Why U.S. Cities Should Envy Toronto for Electing Rob Ford

In my opinion, the article reads like someone who doesn't know the first thing about Toronto, it's history, it's demographics, it's political climate or it's issues.

Contrary to the author's thesis, I find Rob Ford's election as mayor as an indication that a lot was wrong with the city, especially in regards to suburban alienation issues. Perhaps relating back to Hulchanski's "Three Cities within Toronto" thesis.

The article overall is weird. There seems to be faint (deserved) praise for our Metro government, which Mike Harris got rid of with amalgamation, and it's elimination being the direct reason for the election of Rob Ford, which the author is also faintly praising?
I caught that Jennifer Valentyne was let go from Breakfast TV on Friday, after 20-odd years being there. Unfortunately management decided to do this on April 1, so of course there was a bunch of confusion at first!

I've just been reading over the responding comments from the public on twitter, facebook, and so on, which ranged from simple good wishes to Jennifer, to some fairly aggressive posts about boycotting the show. And then there were a fair amount of comments like "they should keep Jennifer and get rid of XXX" (i.e. Dina, Frank, Kevin, etc.), and then the poster would follow up with just how bad they think that other person is in comparison to Jennifer. Some of those comments were pretty harsh. Boy I'm glad that I don't work in an industry where I have to deal with that sort of public commentary!
I caught that Jennifer Valentyne was let go from Breakfast TV on Friday, after 20-odd years being there. Unfortunately management decided to do this on April 1, so of course there was a bunch of confusion at first!

I'm surprised too that they would make major changes with BT Toronto, since Rogers took over, any or all cuts where done to everything else except BT since it's ratings where untouchable and it was the only original programming that made money for the station.
