its wayyy better than what it replaces. (a couple of 6 floor towers in the park-ing lot)
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I agree with Silence and Motion. This isn't "pedestrian friendly". This is a self-contained, automobile-oriented high density, masterplanned condo project that is built with complete disregard for the surrounding area and users others than its own residents.
It's basically Dubai in the snow.
Come on, that's so harsh. It adds density to a site right on one TTC line, and a short walk to a second one. It puts retail at ground level on Markham Road. It drops in height towards the single family homes to the east. It provides a publicly accessible park and wintertime skating rink. What's so horrible about those things? Sure it still accommodates the car, but at Markham and Ellesmere, could it do otherwise?
you admit that there is no market for the stores, but then go on to suggest a grocery store?
There is no market for small format, high rent streetfront stores. Nobody will boutique shop on Markham Road, south of Ellesmere. There's probably more of a market for large(r) format grocery stores that caters to the existing community.