Toronto McCleary District | ?m | ?s | CreateTO | DTAH

Somebody do a quick fact check into whether McCleary was evil!
I THINK the Park and the Playground were named after Rev Ray McCleary:

WoodGreen Community Services was founded in 1937 by Reverend Ray McCleary. When he assumed his post at WoodGreen United Church in Toronto’s Riverdale neighbourhood, 60 per cent of residents were on city relief and had no access to organized recreational activities. With the help of volunteers, Rev. McCleary organized games and crafts for local children, along with child care services. WoodGreen was incorporated that year with a mission to “serve the whole community from the cradle to the sunset hour of life.”

And maybe with a little love and Lira for McCleary Park we could get a fun pavilion?! One of the best features of old lawn bowling spaces are the great, columned buildings next to them.

CC21.6 - Expropriation of 300 Commissioners Street - Request for Directions Regarding Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing​

Consideration Type: ACTIONWard: 14 - Toronto - Danforth

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation.​


(August 23, 2024) Report from the City Solicitor


The City Solicitor recommends that:

1. City Council adopt the recommendations contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to this Report.

2. City Council direct that all information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 including the confidential recommendations therein and Confidential Appendix A are to remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor as it contains advice and information which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


On October 29-30, 2019, City Council authorized the expropriation of the leasehold interest in the property municipally known as 300 Commissioners Street (the "Property") which are lands comprised of approximately 1.83 hectares, for municipal purposes including the proposed extension of Broadview Avenue (the "Extension").

The Property is located in the Port Lands at the north-west corner of Commissioners Street and Bouchette Street. The Property is a part of a larger block bordered by Commissioners Street to the south, Bouchette Street to the east, Lake Shore Boulevard East to the north, and Saulter Street South to the west. At the time of the expropriation, the Property was designated General Industrial Areas by the former City of Toronto Official Plan. Since the expropriation, the Property has been redesignated by the Ontario Land Tribunal's approval of the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan and is now designated as Regeneration Area.

The Property was the subject of a ground lease at the time of expropriation. The landlord under the ground lease was the Toronto Economic Development Corporation. The expropriated tenant, Port Lands Land Co. Limited Partnership (the "Claimant"), has served a claim for compensation on the City pursuant to the Expropriations Act. A four-week hearing at the Ontario Land Tribunal has been scheduled to commence on September 16, 2024.

This report deals with litigation that affects the City and contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege. The purpose of this report is to seek further direction regarding the litigation and any potential resolution of the subject claim for compensation and the information in this regard are being provided as confidential material.

Background Information​

(August 23, 2024) Report from the City Solicitor on Expropriation of 300 Commissioners Street - Request for Directions Regarding Ontario Land Tribunal Hearing (CC21.6)
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Recommendations and Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix A - Confidential Information
Somebody do a quick fact check into whether McCleary was evil!
A minister for the United Church who came from Ireland around when horses and carts where still a thing is what I found so far. Not sure why they named this place after him, assuming I have the right person here...

...but so far nothing that stood out in the skeletons you don't want known department. So I think it's pretty safe, lol.
Yes, interesting reading but I was worried by the statement "Organized around transit" (which i certainly support) as it is too reminiscent of the "Transit First' mantra used by the City and WT about Queen's Quay East and we all know how well THAT went!

The correct action is (and was) to impose the dreaded 'H' on every single proposal; the holding condition is that the transit is complete and operational.

No shovels in the ground on even one new building until the supporting infra. is in place. That would have some very powerful interests insisting on transit getting started, ASAP.
What happens to the private businesses between Saulter and Bouchette (Real Food for Real Kids)? Have they already sold their property?
The correct action is (and was) to impose the dreaded 'H' on every single proposal; the holding condition is that the transit is complete and operational.

No shovels in the ground on even one new building until the supporting infra. is in place. That would have some very powerful interests insisting on transit getting started, ASAP.
Noble and sensible but realistic?!
McCleary District Public Information Session

Join CreateTO on September 18 with the City of Toronto, Waterfront Toronto and project partners for a public information session.

Where: Ralph Thornton Community Centre (765 Queen St. E.)
When: Open house starts at 6:30 pm followed by a presentation at 7:00 pm.

Get in touch at
FINAL_McCleary_Flyer_Open House.png
Just to get the ball rolling I will post the overall McCleary page here.

The storyboards from last night:


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^The only thing that I hadn’t seen before was the mention of 280 Commissioners. Has this been around? Thread?

There are also renderings of the Don Roadway which is currently under construction and will have a nice allée! And this is the first time that I have seen mention of burying the hydro wires! Interesting.
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Since Lakeshore East is the northern boundary of this district I’ll post some images of what is happening now and what it will look like as things are moving along!

Looking east from Lakeshore/Don Roadway. Roadbed finished for WB lanes as well as for planted median. No work on MUP.


Roadway looking west from Booth.

