Toronto MaRS Centre Phase 2 | 112.77m | 20s | Alexandria | B+H

Exactly. By building the interiors cheaply, it makes the functional space easier to modify and change according to future needs and demands.
^^I think it is also easier to change the spaces around- however, from my experiences within in the building, people are not overly concerned about how they treat the spaces that the occupy and therefore, maybe its not so bad that the building was done on the cheap internally?

Anyways back to the topic at hand..Benjamin and Hasselblat!

I noticed this morning, while cycling past, that their seems to be a significant increase in dirt-shuffling happening. It looks like things will be moving at full steam from now on. I'm really looking forward to this one for the positive effects it will have in a good number of ways.
don't know if this has been posted elsewhere on the site, but here is the latest amazing rendering by Maldive over at SSP, with Mars 2 figuring prominently....bravo Maldive!! :)

hopefully the Metrolinx people won't steal this image and put it on their website ;)
That's an excellent future render, I've never seen one from that perspective before.
The next phase of MaRS can't begin quickly enough to finally complete that area.
That truly is a great rendering- in some way it kind of makes me think future..or maybe futuristic-like: the varied heights of Aura, and the curved spire of Libeskind's L tower..I don't know..kind of makes me think futurama..ever so slightly..

Long-time lurker. Second post.

Another excellent render by Maldive. Thanks for posting it. I wish the western facade of MaRS II could have been gently pulled back / angled away from the corner of College and University to create more of a gateway with the Hydro building across the street.

I also think that MaRS might be an OK building on it's own, but it does seem a missed opportunity to not reflect more on what is across the street from it.

I used to hate the Hydro building, but when there was a public service strike in the 1990's and I spent a whole bunch of time on the picket line on College Street, I came to admire the way the facade plays with the light at different times of the day. It would be worth emulating in a new structure.

The Hydro building is still horrible at ground level, though.
Another excellent render by Maldive. Thanks for posting it. I wish the western facade of MaRS II could have been gently pulled back / angled away from the corner of College and University to create more of a gateway with the Hydro building across the street.

Agreed. Curves are sexy, and a nice curve into Queen's Park would echo the Hydro building too.
Maldive also posted this.

Yes, MaRS Discovery District Phase 2... it's already under construction.

The original phase 2 was pretty much a twin of the phase 1 east tower (see thumbnail), however MaRS is so successful, they revised phase 2 to this much larger, more ambitious design.


More info at

nice pics, thx...and a nice strong edge leading into the circle, even without the curve.
As gigantic slabs of building go, I've seen worse, but in this location it reads like an enormous, final tombstone - after decades of abuse - for the stately green promenade that the Avenue used to be.
