Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB

The building will remain, it will just be renamed Rogers Arena (yes, just like Vancouver's former GM Place) when the naming rights are up and Air Canada does not wish to renew their contract.
“There are a lot of people who have a problem with the Teachers’ Pension Plan being so bottom-line oriented. Rogers might be the same but winners draw more eyeballs than losers do. So there’d be more impetus for Rogers to invest in a winning team.”

Why do people think that MLSE isn't interested in winning? Teams make their biggest profits in the playoffs, so not wanting to win makes no sense. Besides, the Leafs are spending as much on salaries as the salary cap allows them to, so another owner couldn't be any less "bottom-line oriented" than MLSE. They're also paying big bucks to Brian Burke. With how bad the current team is, it's easy to forget that the Leafs were one of the best teams in the league before the lockout. They just never won the big prize.
Why would the ACC close as part of this deal? Not sure I understand why someone would buy a sports organization with one of the top performing arenas in North America and the two teams that call it home then close the arena?

The land is too valuable, and esp when in about 10 years it'll be the only non-tower in the 'hood, must go highrise!

Maple Leafs can always move, no matter where, will always draw loyal fans. Heck, good plan to buy them than move them elsewhere! Make more money selling another MLS idea elsewhere--perhaps at Yonge and Finch? :D
I'm pretty sure the ACC pulls in enough revenue to justify its location, especially with a hotel attached to it. I don't see it going anywhere anytime soon.
Besides... This is the future... (minus the flying cars, which I'm still waiting for) ... The ACC is not historical and the remains of the old Post Office have already been "facadomized" (I just coined that word... You're welcome.) ... So they can just suspend a cantilevered 80 storey condo over top the ACC at a later date.
Re the ACC: actually, it technically *is* "historic"--and not just because of what remains of the Postal Delivery Building envelope; it also happens to fall within the Union Station HCD...
The Canadiana frieze in the stonework on the old Postal Building (ACC) is a gorgeous asset to the city (and Canada's) history. To suggest that it "should" disappear is asinine. Luckily urbandreamer is completely wrong in his assumption.
A proposal for the site by 1 Dec 2020. (I suspect it will be much sooner.)

Could a new arena be built over the existing GO/CN ROW? You betcha.:D

Re: MLS. Is it true the condo towers are having major QC issues? I heard tenants are abandoning their leases, interesting if true.
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This entire discussion about the future of the ACC makes the least sense to me of almost anything I've read on UT. Why would Rogers want to go to the expense of building a new stadium when there is a brand new, highly utilized one in an amazing location available?

Sorry UD your arguments just don't make any sense to me this time.
