Toronto Maple Leaf Square | 185.92m | 54s | Lanterra | KPMB


quick update (maynard27 on
sweet! great progress on both these sites! Cant wait till the whole area between ACC and the Dome is filled in and parking lot free... one more part of the city that will be "complete" instead of a work in progress.
Great photo.
By next summer the downtown area is going to be a maze of cranes and intense construction activity through until at least 2010. Bay Adelaide, RBC, Ritz, Residences of Maple Leaf Square, Telus, Bell Lightbox, Shangri-La, Casa, BSN, X, Murano, Uptown, Blu, Four Seasons, Trump, Pinnacle-Success, L Tower, Clear Spirt - it goes on and these are just medium to high rise projects plus there are at least two dozen low rise projects moving ahead.
The most exciting part is despite a lot of negativity on the forums lately expressing disappointment with some new projects nearing completion or recently completed, we have numerous truly promising high, mid and low rise projects on the way in the next couple of years.
^ The downtown population influx alone from these projects is going to add a lot to the urban vitality on the streets of Toronto.
^ and a lot of Quiznos and dry cleaners too!

But the previous poster was right - the impact of all this construction activity will be awesome. It is sometimes difficult to stand back from the discussion of individual project to think about the revolution that is happening to the skyline and streetscape. Right here, at York and Bremmer, we're witnessing the development of a urban, mixed-use neighbourhood. I'm not sure the last time (if ever) we've seen a corner be completely revitalized (is vitalized a word? If so, I applies more than revitalized) with such an interesting mix of entertainment, residential, office, retail, institutional and historic uses all being erected at once. For years, when I used to commute from the suburbs, I'd get off the Gardiner at York and drive up through this wasteland. Suddenly it has transformed. Now it is a parking lot on one side, a construction holding zone just north and two deep holes on the other side. Soon it'll be a real, downtown urban core extension. I am blown away by this 'big picture' vantage. I'm less impressed with the specifics, however.

But it appears as if the planning department have thought about a lot of the elements, including improving the pedestrian realm between Queens Quay and Union, improving access to Union from the south, improving rapid transit connections to the harbourfront (west and eventually west), creating a destination in the southern downtown, and enhancing WALK to include these new developments to visually and spacially link the harbourfront with the CBD.
I hope it adds some vitality, mostly condos just add class and concrete. Anything in this area is better than parking lots though!!!

It'll be neat to see what this area looks like in a couple years.
