Toronto Magellan Centre | 29.64m | 7s | Magellan Community Charities | Snyder

New UT article with more info on the latest happenings with this project, including a generous donation to go towards its construction:

Think this is the first time we have seen City OPEN DOOR supports for "affordable-housing" units going to a Long-Term Care (LTC) development..?

Will need to dig into that a little more to see what the specific unit (60 assisted-living units) and affordability-period commitments are when this project goes to Council.

Also, Magellan Community Charities - doesn't appear to have ever built or operated a Long-Term Care (LTC) development before - appears to be a unique stand-alone entity.

ZBA application submitted:

Development Applications

Project description:
Zoning By-law Amendment Application to facilitate the development of the site for a 7-storey mixed-use building comprised of 57 affordable rental units and 256 long term care beds. The proposed residential gross floor area is 6008.10 square metres, and the proposed non-residential gross floor area is 15,116.10 square metres.
The new UT article summarizes some details about this project:

On a separate note, I recently walked by the site on Lansdowne and noticed for the first time this final remnant on the ground of the former TTC streetcar facilities/yards:

Yeah, that be nice if possible as a nod to the past. Even if it was just that little section with a plaque mentioning about the former Lansdowne carhouse and garage.

What a waste - this garage could have become something similar to Wychwood Barns.

The 90's were awful for public transit here thanks to the myopically minded Conservative government.

640 Lansdowne Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary Report

This item will be considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on November 24, 2021.

This report provides information, and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the development application at 640 Lansdowne Avenue proposing a seven-storey mixed-use building comprised of 57 affordable housing units, 256 long-term care beds, and non-residential uses on the ground floor fronting Lansdowne Avenue. This application has been approved by the Housing Secretariat for the Open Door program to facilitate the provision of affordable housing.

The application has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. City Planning staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application in consultation with the Ward Councillor.​



Looks like piece of land at the north end of the site, where that old TTC streetcar track remnant is, will be absorbed into what's planned as parking space....

The new UT article summarizes some details about this project:

On a separate note, I recently walked by the site on Lansdowne and noticed for the first time this final remnant on the ground of the former TTC streetcar facilities/yards:
Makes you wonder just how many old pavers and rails are buried around the city. Also, talk about quality, those granite setts are beautiful. Shame they're not still used, even if only for select sections of track in historically appropriate areas.
Public meeting for this one will be December 2 at 6:30. Webex link on the city's consultation page:

I'll be mentioning my concerns around surface parking and vehicle access on Lansdowne. Also asking for more density and more affordable housing.
Public meeting for this one will be December 2 at 6:30. Webex link on the city's consultation page:

I'll be mentioning my concerns around surface parking and vehicle access on Lansdowne. Also asking for more density and more affordable housing.

It's rather discouraging that in the midst of a housing crisis they're proposing to only build 7 storeys a 5 minute walk from a subway station on a massive brownfield site.
Images from tonight's Public-Consultation (Rescheduled from Dec. 2nd).




