Mississauga M1 & M2 at M City | 197.81m | 60s | Rogers Real Estate | Core Architects

From the article

From the article: "Architects delivered a winning design that will “redefine Mississauga’s skyline with a striking, undulating tower that rotates seven typical floor plates in repetition as it rises 51 storeys,” said a press release outlining the development." Looks like Absolute will continue to take the top height spot, which I think is still the best location for the height peak.
That's quite the huge project. A couple of the towers look interesting although as a whole it appears very fantastical. The podiums are extraordinarily dull considering they are striving to break the mold a little more with the towers. Perhaps some greater variation in height would help too. All very preliminary I guess, in the next incarnation we might be seeing something very different.
Apparently Urban Capital is part of this. I really hope they talk to Amacon about their projected absorption rates before diving too deep...
There goes the skyline where council want the street edge to slop starting from Grand Park Dr from 25s to 40s to match was exist there today. Sorry council, you are not going to get your wish and nice to see some 60's now if the site plan remain as is. The city has this fear on height and surprised when they allow Absolute to break not only the 39s at the time, but also the 50s.

Its going to take a decades to built this site, with Parkside Village not 50% completed across the street at this time. Then you have 6 towers 35s-50s on Hurontario around Elm St and the lands on Burnhamthrope east of this site. Daniels still has land around City Hall to build on.

Pinnacle still has taller building to be built at Hurontario & Eglinton.

I still say the podium should be a continues one along Burnhamthorpe with no road to it, with Webb Dr being the in/out road. Think about the pedestrian who have to walk the street once this is built considering very few do today. Retail will play a small thing there, as there too much for the area now. Another grocer store would help the area.

The city need to reduce the parking standards to 1 or less for these towers with a warning clause you better not show up with 2 or more cars as there will be no place for them. Today, its normal to find 2-4 cars showing up on move in day with 1-3 looking for on street parking or in someone lot.
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Our front page story is up here, with a site plan and more renderings, and you'll find even more images in the dataBase file linked at the top of the page. It includes the full press release from today. Have fun!

If you read the story I linked, you'd see that none of the towers nor podiums have been designed yet, other than the 51-storey Core Architects building at the northeast corner.

If you read the story I linked, you'd see that none of the towers nor podiums have been designed yet, other than the 51-storey Core Architects building at the northeast corner.


That 51 story Core Architects building at the northeast corner is a very good looking building.
Well, even if the buildings aren't yet designed, we certainly do know who the telecom provider will be...
From the article: "Architects delivered a winning design that will “redefine Mississauga’s skyline with a striking, undulating tower that rotates seven typical floor plates in repetition as it rises 51 storeys,” said a press release outlining the development." Looks like Absolute will continue to take the top height spot, which I think is still the best location for the height peak.

From what I saw on the news on TV, that same description of the 51-storey tower was read while renderings of the accordion-like tower at the far end of the development were shown.
I'm hoping this could be more of a well-designed CityPlace-type development, with some visually interesting architecture to each of the towers.
