Toronto Lumiere Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Looks like a win indeed. Very quick response from Menkes.

16 November 2012: Interesting question: How successful are all these new condo CRU introduced to Toronto over the past decade? Most of them are failures imo, very corporate chain related, or as in this case, just another condo sales centre. Where's the glamourous bars, cafes etc? (Victory on King West perhaps matches that glamour.)

16 November 2012: Interesting question: How successful are all these new condo CRU introduced to Toronto over the past decade? Most of them are failures imo, very corporate chain related, or as in this case, just another condo sales centre. Where's the glamourous bars, cafes etc? (Victory on King West perhaps matches that glamour.)

The glamorous here is the location. Bay and College can sell itself without the need for any fancy bar. This is the reason why Menkes chose this location as their condo sales centre.
Glamourless you mean? Walking down Bay and having been in NYCC recently made me realize how they're both pretty much the same--souless concrete & glass highrises with wide sidewalks & even wider lanes of traffic rushing by. Sure, NYCC has more interesting restaurants--at night I quite like it (when you can't see how ugly it is:p) but other than Bay being close to UofT I fail to see how this strip is glamorous.

Now, Prince Arthur and other side streets north off Yorkville have a certain glamour/charm to them I suppose, but here?
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The new concrete and glass Toronto fails on so many levels. The more I travel and see other cities, the more I am disappointed in what we sell as glamourous here. I'm totally over Toronto actually. Ya, there's lots of money being made in the new construction but little to the public realm or character of the city.
^Toronto is so third world, eh?;) But you should forget about downtown and explore the real 'hoods, you know places like where I live....

The only saving grace about Toronto is walking down 95% of red brick Victorian streetscapes you'd never know Aura, Trump, Bay St, or any other dreary soulless concrete crap existed. Example: Gilmour Av at Maher Av in the St Johns Road & Runnymede area is fantastic. It's relaxing, has character and you'd never know there was a huge condo boom happening.
The new concrete and glass Toronto fails on so many levels. The more I travel and see other cities, the more I am disappointed in what we sell as glamourous here. I'm totally over Toronto actually. Ya, there's lots of money being made in the new construction but little to the public realm or character of the city.

that's our current municipal government for you.
I was referring to the public realm. It was on its way to improving with the fort York bridge, Queens quay reconstruction (still happening, well, half of it is) Nathan Phillips square, etc. No new public beautification project has been introduced under ford, while miller stuck this city on the way to being great through the creation of waterfront Toronto, and other key beautification projects. the Ford administration has cancelled the fort York bridge, and expressed dislike for the Nathan Phillips square reconstruction. I truly hope that through the next election we get a mayor interested in beautifying our city, one with a rather lackluster public realm.
Maybe I'm just missing something but that podium actually looks decent ! Firstly there is a restaurant establishment on the left side ... and the menkes sales office is just temporary ... what exactly are we concerned about here ? The podium it self ? Okay sure I can by that but I disagree, what exactly is bad about it ?

Type type of retail ? Sure, but that can change and in this case surely will eventually.
The new concrete and glass Toronto fails on so many levels. The more I travel and see other cities, the more I am disappointed in what we sell as glamourous here. I'm totally over Toronto actually. Ya, there's lots of money being made in the new construction but little to the public realm or character of the city.

I've been to many cities, with similary dull streets lined with condos and no retail ... actually its very common in New York ... unless your going to argue the architecture is what makes the difference, but I'll only by that argument for what's above the ground floor, in no way are the bases themselves more attractive ...

If you're referring to Toronto's public realm (street lights / road maintenance / pavement / ...) ... completely agree ... we're the ugliest city in NA for our size ...
Maybe I'm just missing something but that podium actually looks decent ! Firstly there is a restaurant establishment on the left side ... and the menkes sales office is just temporary ... what exactly are we concerned about here ?

I was thinking the same thing. There are far worse examples to pick on than this.
I've been to many cities, with similary dull streets lined with condos and no retail ... actually its very common in New York ... unless your going to argue the architecture is what makes the difference, but I'll only by that argument for what's above the ground floor, in no way are the bases themselves more attractive ...

If you're referring to Toronto's public realm (street lights / road maintenance / pavement / ...) ... completely agree ... we're the ugliest city in NA for our size ...

The grass is always greener on the other side for some. Sadly, Toronto is probably the most self-hating city on the planet.
The grass is always greener on the other side for some. Sadly, Toronto is probably the most self-hating city on the planet.

meh, I have no problem with our fugly public realm ... rather I in-brace it ... non of that stops Toronto from being one of the most interesting cities in North America ... and that's what matters to me at the end of the day. So while I do ponder what could be when visiting other cities many lack a lot of the charm Toronto has ...

This isn't about self-hating whatsoever.
meh, I have no problem with our fugly public realm ... rather I in-brace it ... non of that stops Toronto from being one of the most interesting cities in North America ... and that's what matters to me at the end of the day. So while I do ponder what could be when visiting other cities many lack a lot of the charm Toronto has ...

This isn't about self-hating whatsoever.

I apologize. My post was directed at Redroom Studios and innsertname here. I quoted your reply in agreement.
