Toronto LTD Condos | ?m | 15s | Malibu Investments | RAW Design

Do we really need more banks and nail salons?

I walk by this building everyday and in person it looks more grayish-blue.
Along with the gray and salmon coloured brick the building looks rather muted and faded. I would rather see more contrast in colours and materials -- it would have improved the exterior so much more.
It's not a bad building, but a very neutral looking building.

It's definitely much nicer looking than LTD I which already looks like it's at least 10 years old with its green glass and beige precast panels.
This poor building will eventually be really boxed in once the buildings immediately to the north and the west gets built.
I walk by this building often as well - the finishes/details on this condo seem quite cheap and poorly done. Its best angle is its east side off of Bathurst...

The only thing that'll save this building is some good retail....banks, dentists, dry cleaners and nail salons do not make a community...
13 July 2013: NimbyTect's "Vision 2030" plan calls for a Spadina subway line ... so hey, maybe I'll finally make a buck off "Tramwiches"?
Pics taken May 6, 2016


Malibu Harbourfront Condo, LTD Condos, Yards at Fort York
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