Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

I don't understand this ferris wheel thing, we have the CN tower for spectacular views and it's not going to get any better than that in TO. The whole point of the London eye was it was an alternative to traditional towers. As for malls, we already have a 'mall' on the waterfront in Queen's Quay, and it's underused from what I can tell.
I heard something vaguely ... but I never noticed the article. I wasn't aware that they were shut down over this though. The complaints were in late June, and I was out of the country with no Internet access or news for a chunk of July - so I assume the shut down happened then. How long were they shut down for?

I'm not seeing anything in the article that indicates what Sun TV did that was wrong.
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The planes already have to avoid the chimney at Hearn coming in.

As Hearn is controlled by that 905 developer who bankrolled both Fords during the last election, one can only assume that the ferris wheel would be near the power station.

Funny isn't it how as soon as the election was over, the Fords were announcing the end of new ice-rink, and are now talking about putting it in the very building that a guy who has given them a lot of money, controls.

Such utter and blatant corruption of our elected officials is shocking. It would appear that both Rob Ford and Doug Ford are corrupt. Shouldn't there be an enquiry into this, similar to the one into the Mississauga mayor?

Though perhaps if both the Fords recuse themselves in upcoming votes, it's not an issue ...
Anyone arguing that a new mall would be anchored by a Macy's, Nordstrom, and Bloomingdale's -- none of which have a single location anywhere in Canada, but would all (or even one) be on board with this "plan" -- has no fucking clue how retail actually works.
No one said it woudl be anchored by all of them - only that it appears they have had discussions with potential developers and stakeholders and this is the sort of thing they would attract as the anchor. This runs counter to the comments that a mall like Honeydale is what they plan to put there.

Whether any one of those retailers actually takes the plunge is another story, but there has been talk that Macy's has hired a law firm to look for Canadian spaces.

J-Crew is already here in Toronto. Nordstrom in Vancouver: and confirmation they're looking for locations:

Saks apparently in on it as well:

Is it really that much of a stretch that they would open stores in a more stable, underserviced Canadian market?
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I heard something vaguely ... but I never noticed the article. I wasn't aware that they were shut down over this though. The complaints were in late June, and I was out of the country with no Internet access or news for a chunk of July - so I assume the shut down happened then. How long were they shut down for?

I'm not seeing anything in the article that indicates what Sun TV did that was wrong.
They weren't shut down, but the fact that the host put tough questions to the guest was responded to with great derision, to the point that they organized a complaints campaign to the CRTC in order to try to shut SunTV down. I very rarely stop on the channel and didnt catch the interview, but it seems to be entirely fine to attack someone from one side of the political spectrum in Canada, but not the other. I'm just pointing out the double standard, not choosing a side.

Such utter and blatant corruption of our elected officials is shocking. It would appear that both Rob Ford and Doug Ford are corrupt. Shouldn't there be an enquiry into this, similar to the one into the Mississauga mayor?

Though perhaps if both the Fords recuse themselves in upcoming votes, it's not an issue ...
The McCallion inquiry was called not because the mayor met with private developers, but that she was accused of trying to influence a development that her son would benefit from. That she repeatedly declared her attendance at these meetings at multiple council meetings means the meetings were not held in secret, but that didn't matter when she failed to do it at a later session.

I repeat - it is not corrupt for elected officials to meet with developers as long as they don't sign contracts, take bribes, etc... Doug Ford just came out and publicly announced these meetings have taken place (ie; they are not secret) and that they will be submitted to the executive committee and to council for further discussion. This is corrupt how?
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I repeat - it is not corrupt for elected officials to meet with developers as long as they don't sign contracts, take bribes, etc... Doug Ford just came out and publicly announced these meetings have taken place (ie; they are not secret) and that they will be submitted to the executive committee and to council for further discussion. This is corrupt how?
This is corrupt, because he took large sums of cash from the developer who controls Hearn. And immediately moved to cancel a $60-million ice facility and move it to Hearn.

This proves without a shadow of a doubt that Doug Ford is corrupt. Either that or exceedingly stupid ... I thought he was the smart one ... but I guess it's relative.
Understand this: the aim is not to build what Doug Ford wants, but to stop what already has been planned for. Not one store named by Ford has committed to this idiotic mega-mall idea - nor will they likely do so. There is not one penny available to build a monorail. There is no traffic plan available to indicate just how all the assumed car movements are to be handled on the necessary giant parking lot associated with the aforementioned fantasy tajma-mall and copy-cat ferris wheel. Even if such a silly plan was pushed onto the table courtesy of a Bob and Doug coup d'etat, it would take more than six years to complete.

What this exercise in suburban grandiosity is supposed to replace is a well-though out master blueprint that was built by way of careful examination, thoughtful planning, extensive public consultation and the cooperation of three levels of government. The aim of Dougie is to kill this and hand the land over to the private sector so we can have Cityplace 2 and a spanking new reproduction of any big box mall that you can find littering the landscape of North America.
I wonder if this has anything to do with Ford suddenly being interested in the Portlands?

York prof’s research on developer donations looks at Mayor Ford

An influential Vaughan developer, who donated generously to Mayor Rob Ford’s pre- and post-election fundraising drives, controls a long-term lease on the Port Lands’ Hearn Generating Station, which has been proposed as a site for an NFL stadium by the mayor’s brother Doug, wrote The Globe and Mail April 29.

Developer Mario Cortellucci, together with various relatives and individuals who listed his company’s premises on their donor forms, contributed $30,000 to the mayor’s campaign, about half of which was raised following the election as part of a multi-candidate effort to eliminate campaign deficits. He also secured a private meeting with Rob Ford, according to scheduling documents released under access to information laws.

The figures, based on election contribution filings, were compiled by York University political scientist Robert MacDermid [Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies].

“The important point here is that when a councillor or mayor runs a deficit and wins, every person seeking influence crowds into the subsequent fundraising events,” [said MacDermid].

While Cortellucci’s development companies in the past have pledged hundreds of thousands of dollars in contributions to right-of-centre municipal and provincial candidates, MacDermid’s analysis shows the 2010 race was his first serious foray into Toronto politics. In 2006, Cortellucci and another relative gave just $2,500 to Jane Pitfield’s mayoral campaign. In 2010, he donated $4,000 and $2,000 to George Smitherman and Joe Pantalone respectively.
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Its about the money. When a shopper goes out, they want a one stop destination where they can get everything they need, hence why malls exist and thrive.

But yet several malls in several cities around the world are dying down. The only place malls are thriving is the suburbs. Hence why they should not be on the Portlands site.

Its what almost every other major city in the world is doing.

Oh really that's why cities like Dubai, Melbourne, Seattle and others are revising their waterfront plans and moving to go ahead without private corporations.
How about your try bringing in some facts with your comments.
I don't even think it's that complicated. Doug Ford is Vice Chair of Build Toronto, the agency set up by Miller to manage sections of the City's real estate portfolio and prepare lands for sale to the private sector. It's a potential cash cow for the city and could fund the kind of conservative budget strategies the Fords love. Things like years of property tax freezes and the elimination of the Land Transfer Tax are only the possible if our local government finds ways to bring in significant revenues from asset sales.

The Port Lands represents a high concentration of city-owned lands. It's currently only worth a fraction of what it would be worth once Waterfront Toronto rehabs it, but that could take 20 years or more. A quick sale to RioCan or Smart Centres, on the other hand, brings in immediate cash.
Chicago has parts where you daredn't walk, based on your skin colour. Is this the kind of city that the Ford's want? Probably ... they don't seem to walk much anyways.

Here we go again bringing skin colour into the mix with the Fords...Gee:confused:niftz, dont forget to mention, religion, sex gender, and political preference.
Hahaha...On UT, these Ford guys truly are the fucking antichrist.:D
Look at the Fallsview Casino in Niagara Falls. Almost as much of a gem as the falls themselves. The gardens are maintained tremendously and the facility contains far more than a casino with ballrooms, shows, halls, retail and dining. Lets look at another, Trump Tower was built quite quickly and stands currently as one of the most intriguing buildings to rise from the cities grounds in years. A Casino would be a great investment as well with far more to offer other than the casino itself, they are great for big spenders, the public and tourists.
You really have no clue what you're talking about. What the heck does building a Trump hotel in the heart of the financial district in the country's financial capital have to do with private investment in the portlands?
