Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

I can't imagine anyone complaining about the noise unless they live on the island.

SA is so far from anybody in mainland Toronto right now - and the city needs venues for parties. Any city does.

You can hear the cabana or whatever it is from Cherry Beach, sound carries over water pretty well. It's not obnoxiously loud but someone will inevitably complain.
You can hear the cabana or whatever it is from Cherry Beach, sound carries over water pretty well. It's not obnoxiously loud but someone will inevitably complain.
You can hear it very plainly at Sherborne Common too. I imagine the residents at Aqualina & Aquavista will object to the constant boompa boompa boompa on weekends. Then again, by the time the move in the bottle service douches may have moved on to a cooler venue.
I've never heard any one so happily say "abandoned lots, derelict buildings, crumbing concrete and abandoned land"


Developers just can't wait to get their hands on these abandoned everythings. They must be really happy and excited about the current plight of the Port Lands :p.
Due Diligence update - from June WT Finance, Audit and Risk Management Committee Meeting:

Some increase in scope and some reductions - most "concerning" is what minimization of Hydro One works meant (burial of above ground transmission lines?)


One can only hope that doesn't mean leaving transmission lines and pylons as-is. That'd be lame. What I'm hoping is that perhaps they have Hydro One on board, and the $50M "reduction" is simply a transfer of cost to HO (with HO accepting of this because, say, they may've been planning to replace/underground the lines anyways?).

I'm particularly interested in the Outstanding Due Diligence Elements on p.14, and specifically the "Market demand, development charges and economic benefits reports based on Waterfront Toronto and City comments". Wouldn't at all doubt an increase in density, value, DCs, etc. If what's envisioned for East Harbour/Unilever is so large, so to might LDL/Villiers Island be.

Edit: maybe an aviation expert/enthusiast can fill us in. But let's say hypothetically 100-storey towers were proposed right at the Harbour's edge in the Lower Don Lands (between Keating Channel and the Shipping Channel). Can passenger flights still take-off / land at BBA in this case?
*It's approx 3km from the eastern edge of the runway to the western edge of the LDL, and the runway is aligned so that it's actually pointed away from the site (but just barely).
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No. The airport's flight path means that buildings that tall can't happen down there. Parks are planned for the water's edge of Villiers Island anyway.

Interesting towers on the 3C lands, one of them looks like Vancouver house, guess there conceptual and done by waterfront Toronto
No. The airport's flight path means that buildings that tall can't happen down there. Parks are planned for the water's edge of Villiers Island anyway.


Do you think we'll see any highrises (or buildings above 20-30 storeys) in Villiers Island? Or has that been strictly rule-out on account of BBA flightpaths? I know the Hearn smokestack is around 70-storeys, but obviously that's further east and existed long before Porter.
Interesting that the latest report includes mention of an added $35MM cost due to delay of project start. Not sure what's driving that increase, but hopefully that's a partial impetus for progress.
Any idea what Hydro Poles they're talking about? The giant ones that power downtown are all east of the Don Roadway.
