Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

Usually the argument given for the tangible benefits of hosting the Olympics is that it will help develop undeveloped areas by bringing in money. Suggesting that we need to leave an area fallow for a possible Olympic bid is exactly backwards. If we already have the money to develop the Portlands, why should we care that the area can't be used for the Olympics?

You are misinterpreting my statement. I do not suggest it be left as is, or that it is even imperative to host the Olympics at all.
I am just curious as to the impact of losing an integral part of the city's past Olympic visions and what the plans would be moving forward. At some point someone will champion a bid again and I want to know how it will work.

EDIT: Perhaps it is better asked in the Olympic thread.
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OT but re: Olympics - I can imagine it'd fit into Downsview Park with some work. UT Scarborough or "industrial" South Etobicoke might work too.


Did we not learn anything from Montreal? Building an Olympic stadium that far from the core is a complete waste of money.
Did we not learn anything from Montreal? Building an Olympic stadium that far from the core is a complete waste of money.

I am totally opposed to holding the 2-week Olympics here but, though we can certainly learn from Montreal, the location of the stadium in Montreal is actually quite good as it is on a Metro line and really very easy to reach. The problem, not to mention the once-retractable roof problems and falling concrete, is that Montreal has no need for such a huge stadium so it sits empty for much of the time. Does Toronto need an Olympic-sized stadium? I think not.
I am totally opposed to holding the 2-week Olympics here but, though we can certainly learn from Montreal, the location of the stadium in Montreal is actually quite good as it is on a Metro line and really very easy to reach. The problem, not to mention the once-retractable roof problems and falling concrete, is that Montreal has no need for such a huge stadium so it sits empty for much of the time. Does Toronto need an Olympic-sized stadium? I think not.

The Alouettes would love to have a larger stadium. If the city and team were able to convert the Olympic Stadium too something smaller they still wouldn't want it because they complain of the distance. Even in the Expos good days the stadium was fairly empty because of............wait for it..........location.
Did we not learn anything from Montreal? Building an Olympic stadium that far from the core is a complete waste of money.

A permanent stadium, sure; but a temporary stadium that can be later be reduced in capacity might not be a bad idea.
Would BMO Field and the rest of the area around the Ex be a possible location for Olympic facilities? Perhaps combined with a reworking of Ontario Place?

(Of course, all this is a bit moot, since hopefully all these areas will be well-developed before any new bid is contemplated by Toronto.)

Again OT - but the Ex was proposed as the site for the Olympic stadium under the first bid, back in 1996. It barely fit.

I urge everyone to email each and every councilor who supports the Ford's or who is on the fence regarding their proposal to seize control of the Port Lands from Waterfront Toronto.

Here is the list of councilors:

Here is a list of those who need to be swayed (green and yellow):

Please write a brief and professional letter asking each councilor to NOT support the Ford's taking control of the waterfront.
It's one thing to discuss it here on UT, but we need action. The list of councilors who may support the Ford's is dangerously close. We can't risk this - there is too much at stake.

WE NEED TO ACT NOW. (sorry for the caps)
The Alouettes would love to have a larger stadium. If the city and team were able to convert the Olympic Stadium too something smaller they still wouldn't want it because they complain of the distance. Even in the Expos good days the stadium was fairly empty because of............wait for it..........location.

The Als played there before and moved out for a reason. I've been inside it many times and it is absolutely terrible on the inside, one of the worst stadiums I've been to (worse than Tropicana Field even). And it wasn't even finished for the Olympics, and was the 2nd most expensive stadium ever built. There's a reason they call it "The Big Owe".

Anyways my point is it was not the location that made it a bad stadium for the Als and Expos.. It was a bad stadium because it was a bad stadium. The only thing it had and has going for it is the exterior design and tower.
The Als played there before and moved out for a reason. I've been inside it many times and it is absolutely terrible on the inside, one of the worst stadiums I've been to (worse than Tropicana Field even). And it wasn't even finished for the Olympics, and was the 2nd most expensive stadium ever built. There's a reason they call it "The Big Owe".

Anyways my point is it was not the location that made it a bad stadium for the Als and Expos.. It was a bad stadium because it was a bad stadium. The only thing it had and has going for it is the exterior design and tower.

It was also referred to as the Big Mistake and several other nicknames. Regarding the location, we'll see how the Impact does.
I urge everyone to email each and every councilor who supports the Ford's or who is on the fence regarding their proposal to seize control of the Port Lands from Waterfront Toronto.

Here is the list of councilors:

Here is a list of those who need to be swayed (green and yellow):

Please write a brief and professional letter asking each councilor to NOT support the Ford's taking control of the waterfront.

I did my part today including calling Mamolitti's office to tell him what a low life rat, I think he is. Nobody answers the phone, so I had to just leave a message. I guess they are all too busy kissing Ford's ass, to answer the phone.
I did my part today including calling Mamolitti's office to tell him what a low life rat, I think he is. Nobody answers the phone, so I had to just leave a message. I guess they are all too busy kissing Ford's ass, to answer the phone.

I just individually emailed a letter to every councilor who might possibly support Ford urging them to withdraw their support for Fords waterfront scandal. As much as I'd like to have told Mammoliti to go %uck himself, I asked him to go #uck Rob Ford instead. Politely.
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As much as I might hate a person, I'd never call an elected politician and swear. Some here are showing their true colours.
