Toronto Lower Don Lands Redevelopment | ?m | ?s | Waterfront Toronto

This is what happens when you let spoiled rich kids control the sandbox!

What a bunch of tools these Fords are! They really need to look at themselves in a mirror!
Maple Leaf Gardens was built with private money. The Air Canada Centre was built with private money. The potential owners (if there are any) are more then welcome to do the same. That $1 billion+ could be spent in much better ways.

It seems like yesterday that the Fords made a fuss about a $23 million bridge... oh wait... it was yesterday. Now they want to go out and spend a $1 billion on a stadium that is going to be used 8 times a year!

$23 million dollars that the citizens of Toronto would have to account for. The stadium wouldn't cost the public a dime, so you can't compare the two. I agree, the stadium prospect is useless, but if the private sector is willing to pay for it I have no problem.
I suggest we change the title of this thread to "Rumoured NFL Stadium", or "Ford's Imaginary NFL Stadium" or something along those lines, since there are no renderings or official announcements, no plans have been drawn up, and there is no substance to the proposal.
I suggest we change the title of this thread to "Rumoured NFL Stadium", or "Ford's Imaginary NFL Stadium" or something along those lines, since there are no renderings or official announcements, no plans have been drawn up, and there is no substance to the proposal.

....and no possibility that this will ever, ever get off the ground
I suggest we change the title of this thread to "Rumoured NFL Stadium", or "Ford's Imaginary NFL Stadium" or something along those lines, since there are no renderings or official announcements, no plans have been drawn up, and there is no substance to the proposal.

Hahaha, good one...rumoured, imaginery, no renderings, no plans, no announcements, no substance, no, no, no...
But Proj: 9135077-1 is how it all starts my friend.:D

from today's Daily Commercial News, posted with the usual caveat....

STADIUM Proj: 9135077-1
Toronto, Metro Toronto Reg ON CONTEMPLATED
RL Hearn site, Portlands, M5V
$50,000,000 est

Note: This project is extremely preliminary. The site selection is ongoing. How an architect will be secured is undetermined. Schedules for design, tender and construction have not been set. Further update winter 2011.

Project: proposed construction of a NFL stadium on the site of the abandoned RL Hearn generating plant in the Portlands on Toronto's Waterfront. The project would include demolition of the existing building and reuse of some of the existing foundation.

Development: New
Category: Recreational bldgs
Owner's representative Complete information is available to subscribers. Click HERE to find out how to subscribe.
This report Wed Apr 27, 2011.
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The daily commercial news hardly has a great track record for accurate stats however, that is pretty moot in this case. Did you even bother to read what was written?
The daily commercial news hardly has a great track record for accurate stats however, that is pretty moot in this case. Did you even bother to read what was written?

Yes i did, and i posted it cause i believe this preliminary plan ( have in mind as an intention) is a bit more than rumoured and imaginery than CN posted.
Heck, by reading most of your posts i guess you dont think much of anything but hate to know where you are coming from.
Where is this one BILLION dollar price tag coming from that people are throwing around? I'm sure a cheap 70,000 seat stadium could be built for a fraction of that
Where is this one BILLION dollar price tag coming from that people are throwing around? I'm sure a cheap 70,000 seat stadium could be built for a fraction of that

A cheapo stadium isn't going to cut it in the NFL. If you want to associate with the big boys, you've got to try and look like the big boys too and that means something like New Meadowlands Stadium (cost $1.6 Billion) or Cowboys Stadium (cost $1.3 Billion).

Granted, these are the absolute top of the line facilities and certainly it can be done cheaper ie the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis which cost only $720 Million.
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A cheapo stadium isn't going to cut it in the NFL. If you want to associate with the big boys, you've got to try and look like the big boys too and that means something like New Meadowlands Stadium (cost $1.6 Billion) or Cowboys Stadium (cost $1.3 Billion).

Granted, these are the absolute top of the line facilities and certainly it can be done cheaper ie the Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis which cost only $720 Million.
Not to mention the franchise fee of the NFL, which is a massive cost, and comparable to building a stadium.

The fee for the Houston Texans was $700 million ... in 2002. The league has only become more popular and more profitable since that time.
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Not to mention the franchise fee of the NFL, which is a massive cost, and comparable to building a stadium.

The fee for the Houston Texans was $700 million ... in 2002. The league has only become more popular and more profitable since that time.

Guys..there are people in Toronto willing to take that challenge, thats franchise fee and stadium.:D
Don't we ever get tired of following the Americans? Why do we want an NFL team in Toronto? Is it because of our national love of the sport?
