Toronto Love Park | 3m | 1s | City of Toronto

I think once the park trees mature the park will get even better. I do think the density of trees planted was lower than it should’ve been, but it won’t feel this way once the trees grow. I also think this type of park needs flowers. specially the “love island” where the main tree is, the base of that tree should be a flower bed. better lighting at night time and more art work/sculptures will add to the experience. Seasonal events will also help.
I think once the park trees mature the park will get even better. I do think the density of trees planted was lower than it should’ve been, but it won’t feel this way once the trees grow. I also think this type of park needs flowers. specially the “love island” where the main tree is, the base of that tree should be a flower bed. better lighting at night time and more art work/sculptures will add to the experience. Seasonal events will also help.
++ for more landscape lighting
++ for more landscape lighting
The lack of detailed landscape lighting is disappointing. I was surprised to see there was no lighting on the pond island, no lighting at the bases of the trellis, or any kind of illumination in or around the pond itself. What we have seems pretty basic and to meet the minimum requirements. Maybe we'll get lucky and see some great winter lighting additions to the park.
Wisteria watch! Taken 21 July.
If I was Cormier, I would made those bins into bronze sculptures with a squirrel attempting to climb into one. And to the side, additional bronze sculptures of hydro workers digging up newly laid pave stones to get at the urban flotsam that runs underneath... would give it all a, er..distinct Toronto feel. >.<
PS: I almost forgot, a bronze sculpture of someone tagging that building... >.<
I think once the park trees mature the park will get even better. I do think the density of trees planted was lower than it should’ve been, but it won’t feel this way once the trees grow. I also think this type of park needs flowers. specially the “love island” where the main tree is, the base of that tree should be a flower bed. better lighting at night time and more art work/sculptures will add to the experience. Seasonal events will also help.

They could have planted some red rose bushes. Those would have worked nicely with the theme. However, aspiring Romeos would potentially cut the flowers for their dates.
Regarding the tagging, I’m still not sure if it’s an officially sanctioned piece of art. It’s a bit too clean and neat, they actually followed the lines on the concrete. But then again I have no experience in tagging or graffiti art lol.

Now if it’s Banksy, then I’m all for it 😄
Random note: the Police Officer holding a pink balloon dog by Banksy is housed across the street inside One York.
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I can’t tell what side of the structure the graffiti is on but I wouldn’t be surprised if vines cover the whole thing in a year so problem solved! Lol
