Toronto Lofthouse on Logan | 24.38m | 6s | Grid | COMN Architects

I think Gerrard East has a lot of potential. It just needs more density around parts like these to shore up more critical population mass to further boost its retail stetches.
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I think Gerrard East has a lot of potential. It just needs more density around parts like these to shore up more density to further boost its retail stetches.
Agree. I live in a 6 storey midrise near here and it's great. Everything is there. However the planning rules and system for 6 storey midrise needs to change as land assembly and development along this stretch unfortunately doesn't pencil out at this time. Single owner sites are the only low-hanging fruit that may change for the next little while. I wish the City looked at this conundrum and worked backwards to make midrise easier through incentives, pre-zoning, fast-tracking, breaks on fees etc. Would be a game changer.
I lived/grew up around this area and I really like this addition to the neighbourhood. The colour could've been better but I think it'd be amazing to see more of this in this area. I know Elevate is happening just south of this building - albeit at a crawl.
Yeah liquor establishments should be open 24/7/365.

I don't know that any establishment need be open 24/7.

I think convenience is trumped by the need to sleep for employees.

That said, when supermarkets can sell beer 9am-11pm, 7 days per week, these hours don't look particularly competitive.

And one of those beer selling supermarkets is little more than a block away from this location.
Agreed those hours aren't terribly competitive, but let's face it, the Beer Store ain't such a great business anyway - far more interesting selections (especially if you're a craft beer fan) are to be found at local LCBOs and the Loblaws on Leslie. The Beer Store is an antiquated model and it heavily favors the big institutional brewing consortia. I'm not a fan!

The building is fine, although it is definitely staid and tame-looking. I'm fine with the departure from the local red brick dominance; a bit more colour is always welcome in my book.
Agreed those hours aren't terribly competitive, but let's face it, the Beer Store ain't such a great business anyway - far more interesting selections (especially if you're a craft beer fan) are to be found at local LCBOs and the Loblaws on Leslie. The Beer Store is an antiquated model and it heavily favors the big institutional brewing consortia. I'm not a fan!

The building is fine, although it is definitely staid and tame-looking. I'm fine with the departure from the local red brick dominance; a bit more colour is always welcome in my book.

Just makes me wonder they they bother. I can see them retaining some 'Beer Stores' in an open-market for beer selling, essentially as distribution hubs to restos. But this location will not serve that purpose.
Oh, they bother 'cos they're raking it in; lots of folks don't like pesky microbreweries and prefer to drink the same stuff as their parents did, I suppose.

This building remains a huge improvement over the ratty old Beer Store which occupied that corner for the longest time. More mid-rise around the east end, please!
