Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng


June 15th 2011
Look at Scotia in the right lighting and it really looks Salmon coloured.

I do like the way lighting can effect a buildings color, but its not quite the same thing as having the material in that color. Royal Bank Plaza for instance can go from gold to a beep blue to even purple! The gf loves the color and suggested it, at 1st I didn't agree but after seeing Shangri-la go up, I don't think it would be a bad idea.

Queen's Park and the Police Headquarters are both pinkish.

Yes, but neither of which are very prominent on the skyline.
Let's just nip this idea in the bud...

I will have NO pink skyscrapers in Toronto, while I still draw breath.


Lol that doesn't look all that great, but I wasn't thinking of a Shangrai-la sized building. Something more along the lines of a Festival Tower and the Entertainment District would be a good place for it imo.
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That's one building people don't think of very often. And for good reason, those two color schemes completely clash with each other.
Actually, if 1001 Bay were clad entirely with the pinkish/copper curtainwall AND the center section of the tower were 40 floors taller, I think I would really like it on our skyline.
70 something-floors would probably be a bit much. But if it was clad entirely in the pinkish/copper tone and had about 50 that would've worked a lot better.
This is the first time I've seen Shangri-La up close and in person, and DAMN this thing is a beast!
Taken earlier today.




