Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

West Pender Place is definitely one of the best in design in recent years (all new projects on or near the waterfront are expensive). Unfortunately, even the angled curtain wall facades have vertical spandrel panels.


It looks like TO Shangri-La has curtain walls on all 4 sides (although I'm not sure how the balconies interface).
West Pender Place appears to have curtain walls on the two angled facades of each tower (east and west) and window wall on the other two sides (north and south (the sides with the balconies)). At the corners, the curtain wall wraps around the window wall a bit.
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I more concerned with the randomness of the glazing's transparency/blueness/mirrored-ness/green-ness... Every few feet along the same floor, the glazing changes properties. I'm sure it will all come together in a while, but at the moment it looks like they bought scraps and ends-of-lines from the manufacturer.

In that 2nd shot, didn't realize how close this tower is to metro hall area. wow. it looks huge. this + theatre park should drastically change the area.
Seriously. A LOT, more glass has been installed since these pictures. Those internal balconies have all been inclosed above the podium level facing east.

I'll grab some shots tomorrow.
