Toronto Living Shangri-La Toronto | 214.57m | 66s | Westbank | James Cheng

Forms were raised somewhere along the line. They are on the 19th/18th level now...

of course i do, its the financial capital and the biggest city in canada, it has the second largest ammount of highrises in america (seconded by new york) and a giant skyline so i could see how people would call this city canadas big apple, i worded my post wrong. what i was saying was it'd be cool if toronto was that city that tons of cities compared to and aspired to be like, i was just thinking aloud :p

That would be Canada, America, New York, and Toronto respectively.
I understand it's an internet message board and the texting generation yada yada yada, but for pete's sake doesn't anyone give a shit about spelling and grammar anymore?!
That would be Canada, America, New York, and Toronto respectively.
I understand it's an internet message board and the texting generation yada yada yada, but for pete's sake doesn't anyone give a shit about spelling and grammar anymore?!

Yeah, you hit the nail on the head. A lot of contributers use their phones to update the message board. And I guess it's a force of habit.
Hey we are already pretty unique, we are called...The Big Smoke, Hogtown, T.O.,Hollywood North, Toronto the Good, and sometimes the Centre of the Universe, imagine if we get this..
Would it be safe to say The Big


Apparently the architect, Willie, has auto cad on his wang computer.

Story goes that after many sleepless nights on this project, he finally got a grip on himself and willie worked his wang until he came up with this.

Just a rumour tho.
