Toronto Library District Condominiums + Toronto's 99th Library | ?m | 29s | Context Development | KPMB

Perhaps it organizes community events like cooking classes or nutritional info sessions. I'm only speculating of course, but maybe that's what he meant.

Whether it was sarcastic or not, I think we can all agree that the more events/establishments that promote a sense of community, the better.



Loving the green. I also have a feeling that this is going to be my favorite library. Such a great addition to the neighbourhood.
April 7








Can't wait for Fork York Blvd to open up here.
Loving the green. I also have a feeling that this is going to be my favorite library. Such a great addition to the neighbourhood.

Can't wait for Fork York Blvd to open up here.

I'm liking the green and design - but I fail to see how this building will be in any way energy efficient.
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I am loving this development too. Finally Cityplace discovers colour! I will be using this library as often as I can.
Does anyone know if the library will have parking? The nearby streets are crowded as is.
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Do we know what's going on in the adjacent park? I was not able to attend the community consultation. Hopefully we get one of those climbable metal things.

P.S. Will they build a canal connecting this to the lake? I like taking boats to my destination.
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I know that was a joke suggestion, but Toronto would be a more interesting city with some canals. We should at least make the best of what we have, like redeveloping the lands around the shipping canal in the Port Lands and possibly creating new canals in the Port Lands when the time comes for redevelopment. It could be quite scenic and unique in North America to have a sophisticated urban built form fronting onto canals with generous public spaces.
