Toronto Liberty Market Tower | 99.97m | 28s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Is this rendering a lie or are there actually plans to turn the Williams Landing building into a park?

I haven't heard of such plans before for 120 East Liberty St. They may have just exaggerated the landscaping at the corner to make it look like a park.
speaking of open space, opportunity lost should the small surface parking lot continue to exist after full build out.
Developers try new ways to sell condos amid pandemic

As real estate activity slows down due to the coronavirus, sellers of preconstruction condominium apartments are finding the old reliable methods to shift units just don’t work under a physical distancing regime. To carry on, developers are trying everything from virtual sales centres to price guarantees.

A presale contract is essentially a bet on the future value of a condominium apartment, and the economic uncertainty wrought by the pandemic has pushed Toronto condominium builder Lifetime Development to make an unheard-of guarantee for the 280-unit Liberty Market Tower, Phase 3 of a development in Liberty Village. Unheard of, because for the past decade or more of rising values, it has been hard to imagine a Toronto-area condo presale unit selling late in a cycle for less than the early access sales price.

“We launched [sales] a month and a half before we rant into COVID situation, sales were progressing really well. Prior to the slowdown we released 70 per cent of the building, and sold 85 [per cent] to 90 per cent,” said Brian Brown, principal at Lifetime who said the guarantee is to reassure buyers. “When we do get back to business on a normal scale, we don’t see pricing coming down. Whether you buy today or wait three months, nothing is going to change … if you’re looking today, you don’t need to wait three months.”

There are some conditions unique to the Liberty building, for one thing it’s already under construction; the parking garage was already built, and the above-ground structural work has reached the fourth floor. Mr. Brown estimates completion in as little as 18 months, much shorter than the typical five-year wait for preconstruction condo buyers.

