It's buildings like the one to the left, that have destroyed the character of Liberty Village's east side. If the city would have required new condos to use red brick and keep the industrial aesthetic, they could have created a much more distinctive district, which would have retained some of its charm. That tall, boxy condo to the left doesn't even fit the space well. It would have looked much nicer if it followed the curve, like a flatiron building. They basically took an interesting shaped plot of land and plopped an uninteresting glass box in it. I don't see any attempt to design a building that animates the street or uses its site creatively. This building should have been turned down by the city.
Someone was asleep at the wheel, when it comes to Liberty Village. It just seems like developers were allowed to design the district and no attempt was made to maintain the character it already had. Don't we have a design committee, to stop crappy buildings like this? It really makes me frustrated and lose faith in our politicians, when something as simple as this, gets so screwed up. Why the hell did it happen? (and will it just continue this way on the west side?) Red brick should be used on all the buildings here. How does something that so easily, could have been a great destination district, turn into an ordinary, placeless mess?
171 East Liberty needs to look more industrial, with a LOT more red brick (at least the first six floors) and it also needs to be lined with some serious retail. The city needs to think about animating the street and making it a more interesting place to walk in.