Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

Great contribution, thanks.

Those cranes really move around. Also is that a door to the roof of the Sony centre?
VERY cool, Udo...I guess you've somehow got access to a great vantage point AND a big hard drive for the video clips... ;)

Most likely taken with stills and an intervalometer. Using actual video files to record timelapse is very impractical. but yes VERY cool, i agree :)
Fantastic video! Very neat to see this activity sped up.
Yes, extremely neat. I am reminded why my ex-roommate called the PATH system, and by extension all of downtown Toronto, "the ant farm". I noticed the Dome closing around 01:56. :)
Construction is very slow, so I thought to speed it up a little: two weeks (September 8 - 24) compressed into 6 minutes ...


Music by Jesse Cook.

hats off udo!!! THAT was classy!

Random shot of L Tower from Yonge yesterday... might i add, Yonge in the financial district is the nicest part of it in the city... i'm not a fan of the low-rise ghetto-looking shops that are in/around Wellesley. hate me for it.
This strip can pass as any american city.

Construction is very slow, so I thought to speed it up a little: two weeks (September 8 - 24) compressed into 6 minutes ...

Makes construction look very fast compared to what Aecon is doing on the train shed. I hope the crane operator at Union Station has a game console and fridge to pass his time.
Remarkable bit of filming there Udo. You got some talent!
I know its timelapse filming but did anyone else notice how much that crane wobbles? Yikes!
I had no trouble finding this on Vimeo on the laptop, but for some inexplicable reason my apple tv search for it came up empty. I would have loved to watch this on the big screen.
this guy seems to have a lot of concrete walls/areas of concrete... hence, the spandrel covering it up.
right now i gotta admit construction is pretty boring, but when this thing doubles in height, it'll have an instant impact.

Most likely taken with stills and an intervalometer. Using actual video files to record timelapse is very impractical. but yes VERY cool, i agree :)

Thanks, MidTowner...I looked it up and now I know something I didn't before...and now I want to get one too! ;)

I imagine now that they've passed the Sony roofline and beyond the joined front entrance columns this tower should really pickup speed...anyone have an idea of the pace of 1 floor per week too optimistic (it is a small floorplate)?
This should pretty much be a floor a week now, weather permitting.
Pic taken Oct 1, 2011

awesome pics jasonzed and red mars!!!!!! This thing is going to look so damn tall with that tiny footprint. Its remarkable watching the south end of downtown grow.
Such an exciting time to live in toronto!
