Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

Awesome stuff... this weather wall is a TRUMP lookalike. Does this mean they won't be having any words printed on the weather wall?
Hmmm, from the looks of it, if the weather wall didn't already have graphics or text on it when it got installed, I doubt that we should expect them to put it up afterwards. It would be too bad, cuz I was hoping to see another banner like TRUMP or SHANGRI-LA rise skywards :)
i think it's probably since there's no real need to advertise the tower as it has no hotel portion to it as well as retail. it doesn't need to be put out there as much as the other hotel/residences,
For those who like minute details..

Outline of planned construction schedule for the week of July 11th through July 18th
Monday, July 11
8 The Esplanade - L Tower
• A 45M concrete pour not expected to go beyond 7:00 pm.
1 The Esplanade - L Tower Parking & Backstage foundation
• Sub-contractor, GFL Excavating will be running one dump truck all day building a ramp, entering and exiting through The Esplanade gate.
• Sub-contractor, Deep Foundation has one concrete truck for guide wall. Access at the Esplanade gate.
Tuesday, July 12
8 The Esplanade - L Tower
• 45M concrete pour not expected to go beyond 7:00 pm.
1 The Esplanade - L Tower Parking & Backstage foundation
• Sub-contractor, Deep Foundation will have 2 tractor-trailer loads delivering drill rig components. The construction management team is seeking to use Market Street access for this.
Wednesday, July 13
8 The Esplanade - L Tower
• 45M concrete pour not expected to go beyond 7:00 pm.
1 The Esplanade - L Tower Parking & Backstage foundation
• Sub-contractor, Deep Foundation will have 2 semi tractor trailers delivering pile steel and one float delivering the drip rig. The construction management team is seeking to use Market Street access for this.
Thursday, July 14
8 The Esplanade - L Tower
• No concrete pour scheduled as of today.
1 The Esplanade - L Tower Parking & Backstage foundation
• Sub-contractor, Deep Foundation will be drilling caissons. Three concrete trucks will be accessing the site via The Esplanade gate.
Friday, July 15
8 The Esplanade - L Tower
• No concrete pour scheduled as of today.
1 The Esplanade - L Tower Parking & Backstage foundation
• Sub-contractor, Deep Foundation will be drilling caissons. Three concrete trucks will be accessing the site via The Esplanade gate.
Please note: that while there will be some unavoidable short-term delays for vehicular and pedestrian traffic along The Esplanade from Scott Street west to Yonge Street, no temporary street closure permit applications are planned for this week.
For ongoing updates and information please go to:
nice ^^^^, this tower is going to be huge... right up there with the other CBD towers... And what will become the "official" landmark from the gardiner indicating "Yonge street", just as Royal bank Plaza/Brookfield place is to Bay street.
It hasn't raised much since our last update. I guess they were concentrating on the Lean-To (*sigh* I miss the Boot already) on the Yonge Street side.
This building should really be making it's presents known by Thanksgiving.

Hey there,

Just a friendly note: You probably meant to say, "this building should really be making its presence known by Thanksgiving."

It's = it is (which would be incorrect to use in the sentence above)
Presents = gifts

Not trying to be rude; just trying to be helpful! :)
Is anyone else already tired of the "Deconstructed Box" all-broken-angles-style of architecture already? Such as is being used at the podium base here on L. It's a style that got old fast, in my books.

Like Gehry's crumpled metal, Libeskind rehashes the same theme on whatever he touches, again and again.

We get it! You like to show a Box can be Not a Box... No move on!

*shakes fist* Damn you Libeskind!
