Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

May 29


^^ saw that same view in Open Doors on Sunday!...can't wait to see what it looks like during next years Open Doors when the tower's entire presence will be felt :) ...assuming it will be topped out in 12 months. Anyone know if that's likely given its current level?
^^ saw that same view in Open Doors on Sunday!...can't wait to see what it looks like during next years Open Doors when the tower's entire presence will be felt :) ...assuming it will be topped out in 12 months. Anyone know if that's likely given its current level?

I'm curious about that too. The article in the June Condo Guide says occupancy will be fall 2012, which would be awesome, but does that seem realistic given where they are now? Usually towers seem to sprout up really quickly once they're above ground and just adding floors, but this one has that sloping side so the floors won't be just uniform replications so it may take more time. Cityzen, do u think it's actually going to be on time?
I'm curious about that too. The article in the June Condo Guide says occupancy will be fall 2012, which would be awesome, but does that seem realistic given where they are now?

Well lets say 54 floors in 74 weeks to build ...they are predicting the upper 71 floors of Aura in 82 weeks...i guess it could be possible since it has quite a smaller footprint, now i dont know about occupancy.
Seems pretty clear to me that its a portion the roof of the lobby and not another floor. ^

I'm curious about that too. The article in the June Condo Guide says occupancy will be fall 2012, which would be awesome, but does that seem realistic given where they are now? Usually towers seem to sprout up really quickly once they're above ground and just adding floors, but this one has that sloping side so the floors won't be just uniform replications so it may take more time. Cityzen, do u think it's actually going to be on time?

That occupancy date is going to get pushed back quite a bit, theres no way this thing will be finished by then. Theres a chance it might be topped off by the end of fall 2012 but definitely not by doors open 2012.
I swear if they put up grey cladding on this tower, I quit this city.

Grey glass (not spandrel) might actually be pretty interesting. It would certainly be a change from all the green and blue glass going up everywhere. My guess is that the glass will be fairly white, based on the renderings.
Given it's location and form I think we'll be seeing this one in many tourist/postcard views. I do agree about the cladding, aesthetically the success of the project will be down to how they treat this. I'm generally not a fan of paneling, especially the grey, light green/turquoise variety that is popular at the moment. Admittedly I haven't looked at the specifics for this one but hopefully it will be all-glass.
Where did you get the notion that they are installing grey cladding?

Not grey, but silver cladding could actually look VERY sharp on this tower, especially with it's curves.
Picture Shanghai Financial Center cladding on the curved look of this tower.. Mmmmmmmm

Better than the generic blue or green we have enough of already.

EDIT: Upon looking again I see that SFC is more of a silvery-blue, but you get my point.
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