Toronto King East Centre | 140m | 39s | First Gulf | WZMH

First Gulf Head Office

Page 22 of the planning report implies First Gulf's new Head Office would be located in the new commerical building as well adding more space for George Brown:

Page 22
The new development will further strengthen the vibrant mixed-use character for the
whole of the block through the integration of significant, new employment and residential
uses and buildings of high architectural quality on the existing surface parking areas.
This new development, combined with the existing, would generate approximately
2,800 to 3,600 jobs in concert with introduction of new institutional and commercial
employment uses, including First Gulf’s new head offices as well as additional space
for George Brown.

Page 28
In terms of tenants, it is intended that this new office tower will be partly occupied by
First Gulf’s new head offices as well as additional space for George Brown, amongst
other tenants still to be determined.
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went to the new LCBO
not very busy at the time
quite big inside
very large selection particularly in the beer department.
prices the same duuuuuuh
Taken today.


Great gulf / toronto sun development open house and seminar


Hi everyone

I noticed Great Gulf put flyers advising of a Public Open House and Information Seminar scheduled for Wednesday May 30th at 7 pm to 9 pm (tomorrow). It will be held at the 333 King Street vacant retail unit at the east end of the retail space on King Street. It will be interesting to see what they present regarding the 3 new towers they are proposing
Thanks for the info robertotoronto.

I have to say there is something very satisfying about the adapt/reuse/intensify aspects of this site/project.

Glad to see the building's getting a new life. Can't say I like the design at all however. Looks like an utterly goofy hat the old building is sporting.
