Toronto King + Condos | 53.03m | 17s | King Plus | TACT Architecture

I wonder if the final cladding treatment on the east wall will be the art contribution under their development agreement? My skeptic side tells me the finished product will disappoint. I hope I'm wrong. There is a real opportunity here, a blank slate if you will, to do something really bold and exciting here.

Taken June 4, 2015:

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do something really bold and exciting here

^ a big raised middle finger to the people who bought in East Lofts that lost their view of downtown :)
^ a big raised middle finger to the people who bought in East Lofts that lost their view of downtown :)
Well, yes but I can't really feel too sorry for those who bought for the view. It was obvious that another building was going to be erected there (and East Lofts did not help the sunlight and views from the slightly older Abbey Lane Lofts next door to them.) If you are living downtown (and some other places) there are very few locations where your view is pretty well guaranteed.
Someone should create a forum macro triggered by the word "views" for the boilerplate dialogue re: the choices and trade-offs involved in living downtown and how views are never assured and also something about entitlement maybe.


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From yesterday:




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I see that they have now installed new windows in the old façade. Hope they get rid of the construction fences before Pan-Am Games - the pedestrian detours take out a lane on both King and Sherbourne.
From the newly reconstructed and fully reopened Lower Sherbourne.



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Wow, I didn't even realize they were working down there. A band I played in had a rehearsal space in that old Siesta Nouveau building on the n/e corner there, and I had a few close calls on my bike on Lower Sherbourne. It sorely needed reworking. Looks good.
Getting ready to clad the east wall, a few hours ago:




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