Toronto Karma Condos | 165.8m | 50s | Lifetime | a—A

How long did it take to come up with this terribly unimaginative design? There isn't a single redeeming architectural aspect to the entire thing. They do know about the recent by-law in which they have to prominently display their name on this bland box, no?
Bring on the revision!
Full details including project rendering here:


Hmmm... why does this feel so familiar looking?

Right !! ... its just a bit of Casa, a bit of Murano, a bit of MYC, and a bit of Four Seasons ... once again just another typical aA glass box ~ :mad:
Did anyone expect something otherwise?
It's a great location for a highrise and the house is saved. I don't understand why they chopped 6 levels and reduced the footprint - and yes, I've read the report. It sounds a little weak to me.
I am a fan of aA designs. I don't consider any of them to be 'boring glass boxes'. But they are turning out too much of the same thing - can we not have more variations on the theme?
another boring glass box. These glass buildings may be nice to look at for some, but the construction and build quality leaves a lot to be desired. First of all, you have to worry about falling glass from the balconies. The buildings feel like they're made out of paper. You get a high hydro bill and the soundproofing is usually crap.
I think the optics of offering such design now, so close to Murano and right after the Murano falling-glass crisis, are perverse. Maybe a couple of years ago, this would've been oh-wow. Now, it's more like--hel-LO. What planet are you on?
Really TKE? Still shovelling the falling balcony glass story?

Adma - there's no problem optics-wise. They'll get this fixed easily with the laminated glass that's coming.

TheKingEast, you know The King East is virtually all glass too, right?

I agree... If Casa and Murano got busy, this would be their offspring. (minus the falling glass).

as of now, there's nothing spectacular about this building, but if it looks like it does in the renders, it's better than a lot of the crap we get.

either way, in a few years, this will end up being filler and will hardly be seen with all the proposals shooting up around it... I'm pretty sure a 60 storey is rumoured right next door.

EDIT: and am i the only one who things condo names are getting stupider and stupider??? people are really running out of ideas.... NOBODY is gonna say, " I live in Karma Condos"... like WTF people?!
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Really TKE? Still shovelling the falling balcony glass story?

Adma - there's no problem optics-wise. They'll get this fixed easily with the laminated glass that's coming.

TheKingEast, you know The King East is virtually all glass too, right?


If the King East was a 50s box I'd hate it too.
EDIT: and am i the only one who things condo names are getting stupider and stupider??? people are really running out of ideas.... NOBODY is gonna say, " I live in Karma Condos"... like WTF people?!

Absolutely, I think there's a thread buried somewhere about ridiculous condo names... "Upside Down" condo, "Beyond the Sea", "Malibu", "Love", "South Beach"... ick!
Looks like there's a little notch in the tower halfway up on the right side, by the "Step 2" logo. Also, I don't get the section of darkened balcony railings on the left side. Does it reflex some change in the building's program or is it there just for "variety?"
The base is good. The tower is tiresome, at least from this angle.
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