Toronto IMMIX | 131.06m | 38s | QuadReal | a—A

Thank you for your insightful and informative comment. It was so enlightening to read. But perhaps you could provide some clarification? Did you really mean Toronto is losing its identity to the sound of singing birds (cheep condos), or did intend to comment on their relative pricing - cheap condos?

Also, the possessive form of the word it is spelled without the apostrophe - its identity. When spelled as it's the meaning is different. From Googling its versus it's: It's is a contraction of “it is” or “it has.” Its is a possessive determiner we use to say that something belongs to or refers to something. ... But the rules are very clear—it's is the same type of contraction as “where's” or “there's,” and its is a possessive just like “my” or “your.”


To anyone in UT, it's always important to proofread for its comprehension. Some of the rules are very clear. Its vs. it's is one of them.

To know which one to use, mentally replace all instances of "it's" with "it is," "it was," or "it has" and if none of them makes sense, "its" is very likely correct.
I lost track of the iterations on this, but am I right that the forming so far seems to match up to the ghost facade version and not the version with the recessed corner at Yonge/Grosvenor? I think I'm getting mixed up because the database image shows the recessed corner version, and I can't remember if that was the settled design or not
Ya please rid the forums of designs that are not in play please thanks in advance. It’s annoying to have to remember or refer some pages ago that latest renderings seem to get posted. Not where they should be. There’s a picture at the top of most pages with a rendering of the project being built. At least it’s suppose to be. And updated as soon as there is change to design. Yet they never do. What is up with that UT?
Ya please rid the forums of designs that are not in play please thanks in advance. It’s annoying to have to remember or refer some pages ago that latest renderings seem to get posted. Not where they should be. There’s a picture at the top of most pages with a rendering of the project being built. At least it’s suppose to be. And updated as soon as there is change to design. Yet they never do. What is up with that UT?

LOL - the entitlement of this guy
Erm, yes, or was that sarcasm directed at me?

I like seeing how designs evolve, and I'm glad that old designs are available as a reference. For some reason I just get mixed up with this project. I did go back 20 pages through the thread though, and I think the ghost facade version is the most current?

Actually, if anything, it'd be nice if the photos in the database could be tagged with dates. Sometimes when you scroll through the photos it can be hard to know what the sequence is supposed to be. It'd probably be a gargantuan task to update all those entries now, but it'd be a nice feature to see one day.
I wouldn't worry about it @whatever, it's just our perennial friend Peterborough Trump Fan!
Err, at the risk of taking this thread to places it shouldn't go...has it been confirm that's what that handle means?

...I just read what was posted as run-on sentences that's demanding something and yelling at a cloud.
