Toronto Toronto House | 186.53m | 58s | Allied | Hariri Pontarini

...that almost looks as though it was taking from inside of the new courthouse. 🙀
Re-posting these pics previously posted by @A Torontonian Now If Toronto hasn't already overtaken Chicago already as the second largest high-rise city in North America, it won't be long. That long line of highrises down Yonge is something else. The city sure has changed from when I lived there as a kid.
omg... Toronto doesnt hold a candle to the skyline of Chicago no matter what "the stats" about numbers of buildings say. Chicago has far more taller buildings and vastly superior and more diverse architecture.
omg... Toronto doesnt hold a candle to the skyline of Chicago no matter what "the stats" about numbers of buildings say. Chicago has far more taller buildings and vastly superior and more diverse architecture.

Why do you feel the need to be critical w/o limitation? The poster didn't use the word 'better', but 'largest'. You criticized a comment that was never made.


Substantively, Chicago boomed much sooner and therefore has a greater collection of turn-of-the-20thC and 'Deco architecture, some of it quite exceptional.

I think if you compare post 1970 buildings in both cities, Toronto holds its own fine; we just don't have the building stock from that earlier era; stock for which I too feel a fondness.

The point here is not to take aim at Chicago or criticize it, but to being dutifully astounded at Toronto's growth, which has included some great buildings, if also plenty of lesser ones.
omg... Toronto doesnt hold a candle to the skyline of Chicago no matter what "the stats" about numbers of buildings say. Chicago has far more taller buildings and vastly superior and more diverse architecture.
We likely now have more tall buildings than they do.

...but off-topically, a city should not be defined how many tall buildings it has or if has the tallest. If that where the case...Berlin for example, would be considered a county village, lol.
