Toronto Toronto House | 186.53m | 58s | Allied | Hariri Pontarini

That is some exquisite curtain wall. Who wants to sneak over with me tonight and steal some to bring over to the Nobu site?

Tomorrow at 19 Duncan:

Worker Bob: Hey Boss, we appear to be short a few pieces.....

Foreperson: What? They all came off the truck a week ago...........Curtain Wall doesn't just go missing...............

Worker Bob: This Did..........
Curtainwall (and more specifically, extrusion) absolutely has the potential to go missing. A 40' trailer of extrusion is easily worth several tens of thousands of dollars. Copper theft gets the attention, but aluminium isn't cheap either..
That is some exquisite curtain wall. Who wants to sneak over with me tonight and steal some to bring over to the Nobu site?
Curtainwall (and more specifically, extrusion) absolutely has the potential to go missing. A 40' trailer of extrusion is easily worth several tens of thousands of dollars. Copper theft gets the attention, but aluminium isn't cheap either..
Wait…. So are we doing this then? I’ve always wanted to go to a UT meet-up but didn’t think it’d be a UT Heist /s
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Oof, that's a very unfortunate mix of grey and green, looks like an old calculator screen. Maybe it'll look different as it goes up?
Wow, how embarrassing of this poster to make such a snap judgement. Bet he's eating crow now.

Jokes aside, I got a couple shots of the glass going up on the tower section; looks absolute class.



