Hamilton Hamilton Line B LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

A and B-Line is only be considered for LRT ($1.1 billion). The rest will likely be BRT, especially S-Line. T-Line is basically 41-Mohawk.
Hey, we're not T.O.
Hard-luck case may be key to transit help

October 17, 2008
Rob Faulkner
The Hamilton Spectator

Hamilton is making its hard-luck economy a major thrust of its bid for a rapid transit system.

Wealthier Toronto-area contenders like York Region are further ahead on rapid transit funding and proposals to Metrolinx, Hamilton Mayor Fred Eisenberger accepts.

But he says he has a unique case to make, as a board member of the provincial Crown agency plotting regional transportation.

"My answer to (Metrolinx chair) Rob (MacIsaac) has been that Hamilton has a different circumstance than wealthier municipalities. We haven't had the assessment growth that a Mississauga or York or Durham or Oakville has had over the years," he said.

"We are using this as an assessment growth tool as opposed to managing the growth we've already had. You can't look at all these communities and say you are all in the same boat because we're not."

Metrolinx chair Rob MacIsaac said this week that most of the agency's much-anticipated first five-year budget, expected next month, will fund six or seven Toronto-area projects now undergoing benefits case analysis.

Second-round projects like Hamilton would likely appear in Year 4 or 5, he said. Despite admirable work by Hamilton city staff, he said, York Region is far ahead with its construction consortium ready and environmental assessments completed.

Hamilton is doing planning work with the hope that local rapid transit with full capital funding will be in the 2009-13 Metrolinx budget. Metrolinx shortlisted a King-Main east-west rapid transit line as one of the top 15 projects for the first 15 years of its 25-year plan. It could be rail or bus with dedicated lanes, but that is yet to be determined.

This week, MacIsaac suggested second-round projects, like Hamilton's, will start with funding for planning and related "predictable" costs. He clarified yesterday that Hamilton is doing feasibility studies and Metrolinx won't wait four years before starting its own studies of local routes.

"There could be movement, so I am not counting that out. But really, my broad message was that, look, the earliest years of the (2009-13) budget will not have funding for the Hamilton project. You'll start to see it appear in the later years and it will ramp up.

"It (Hamilton) is a priority for us and I would like to see it in the first five years, but my message really is that it won't be in the early years (of the budget). It will be in the later years."

Metrolinx only has $11.5 billion to fund its draft $50-billion, 25-year regional transportation plan; that will cover just seven years of work.

MacIsaac warned early this week that if he were a city manager, he would be putting money aside for projects now. He said Metrolinx is only likely to fund a "bare-bones" system.

It has to be determined which of the costs Metrolinx will cover.

"Municipalities will have different expectations about what these projects are going to look like, so the Metrolinx board has to come up with some determination of what costs are eligible and which ones municipalities should bear on their own," MacIsaac said.

John Howe, Metrolinx general manager of investment strategy and projects, said Hamilton light rail could be judged as a potential "urban redevelopment catalyst" to build a strong downtown core.

MacIsaac said it's reasonable for Hamilton city staff to estimate that shovels could be in the ground for rapid transit in 2011.

"Three years is probably reasonable, but we still have to get through our capital budget to see when we can actually get the financing in. I don't think there is a huge distance between what we are saying and what Hamilton would like in a perfect world."
Last call for light rail
If the city doesn't act now, Metrolinx will fund other areas

October 20, 2008
Rob Faulkner; Andrew Dreschel
The Hamilton Spectator

Today the city's public works committee will decide if it wants staff to keep pushing for light rail transit (LRT) in talks with Metrolinx, the provincial transportation agency. Staff say that if Hamilton bows out of the bid, Metrolinx will fund rapid transit in other parts of the Greater Toronto and Hamilton area. Here's how thinking on LRT continues to evolve:

What does LRT look like?

Most systems run light, steel-wheeled vehicles on steel rails, powered by overhead electrical wires. A third rail line is a possible power source. LRT is usually at street level in mixed traffic, boarded by steps and guided by rails so drivers don't steer in traffic. Vehicles are often called trams, trolleys or streetcars.

How many lines are planned?

The city's February 2007 transportation master plan plotted three bus rapid transit lines: east-west in the lower city (B line), north-south on James (A line) and east-west, likely on the Linc.

In June 2007, MoveOntario 2020 plans cited rapid transit for Hamilton's A and B lines. But city plans have since grown to serve growth areas, hence the BLAST system.

The city concept now involves a B line, A line, T line (from near Centre Mall across Mohawk Road to Ancaster Meadowlands), the S line (Eastgate Square up Centennial to Rymal to the Ancaster Business Park), and a future L line (from downtown to Waterdown) creating an inter-regional link.

Metrolinx, in its draft regional transportation plan, identified the B line (a top 15 priority for the first 15 years), the A line (within the first 15 years), the T line (within 25 years) and the S line (beyond 25 years).

The city may ask Metrolinx to plan the S line ahead of the T line, due to road work planned on Centennial and Rymal in the next five years.

Why the focus on the B line?

Metrolinx shortlisted the B line, and the city has also focused on it. The HSR already runs an express B line bus route, which doesn't climb the Mountain, so it's thought to be able to deliver the best ridership in an affordable way. A line express buses start in fall 2009.

What structures will we see?

The city sees the Stuart Street CN rail yard as a possible LRT maintenance site. There is talk of a downtown transit hub; the B and A lines will intersect. LRT station locations are not determined.

What is the city doing next?

If authorized today, city staff will want to see the B line's analysis, functional design, detailed design and construction appear in Metrolinx's 2009-13 budget.

The city wants to start immediately on Phase 3 of its feasibility study before picking a route for the A line. This involves whether to build a $100-million tunnel so LRT can stay on steep James Mountain Road, or detour 3.5 km to the Claremont Access and miss hubs like St. Joseph's Hospital and the Hunter Street GO station. Phase 3 will look at technology, ridership, costs, etc.

What is the timeline?

Metrolinx releases its 2009-13 budget in November and says a benefits case analysis of Hamilton's B line could be done in 2009. The city says shovels could be in the ground in 2011.

What about environmental assessments?

Hamilton has not done environmental assessments but says some of its work so far, like public consultation, will fulfil part of the EA process. The city still has to study archaeology, alternate routes, and more.

Hold onto your transit expectations

Rob MacIsaac has always been a pretty good friend to Hamilton.

As mayor of Burlington, he backed this city's push for fair social-services funding from the province.

As chair of Metrolinx, the high-powered transportation authority for Hamilton and Toronto, he says we'll always have a pal at the table as long as he's at its head.

One of the responsibilities of friendship is, of course, to tell hard truths, even if the other person doesn't necessarily want to hear them.

That's what MacIsaac did during last week's discussion with The Spec's editorial board about Hamilton's rapid transit ambitions.

In the face of this community's escalating excitement about light rail, MacIsaac tried to manage expectations without dashing cold water on our enthusiasm.

Frankly, it was a timely intervention.

Let's back up a touch.

We all know that Hamilton is on deck to receive provincial funding for either a new bus or light-rail transit system.

And we all know that a light-rail system for an east-west and north-south route seems to be this community's runaway preference.

Inner city rail has fired the hopes and imagination of both public and politicians, with Mayor Fred Eisenberger avidly advocating it as a silver bullet economic development tool.

Whether we end up getting fancy new bus or sexy light-rail lines will be decided after Metrolinx studies the two alternatives.

But next month, the transportation authority is expected to release its first five-year budget, identifying which projects across its jurisdiction will be funded first.

Hamilton is confidently hoping there's going to be money in it enabling us to start putting shovels in the ground by 2011.

The message from MacIsaac is that's not likely to happen.

Quite simply, he told The Spec that since planning for projects in communities such as Toronto and York Region is ahead of Hamilton, they'll go to the front of the line.

Yes, Hamilton has been identified as a priority by Metrolinx. And, yes, Metrolinx is impressed with the work the city has already done and the level of public engagement.

But MacIsaac evidently is worried our expectations have soared to the point where people will be disappointed when the capital budget comes out and we're not included in the first round of handouts.

True, in a subsequent interview, MacIsaac, straining to be tactful, did suggest funding for 2011 wasn't impossible.

But you'd have to be wilfully blind not to see that once again he was plainly signalling that 2012 or 2013 is a much more realistic timeline.

Clearly the early years of Metrolinx's budget are going to be tight.

At the moment, it only has available $11.5 billion to fund a $50-billion regional transportation plan that is supposed to stretch over 25 years.

And, bear in mind, whatever Metrolinx recommends has to be approved by the provincial government, which is facing budget challenges of its own.

That goes a long way in explaining both MacIsaac's attempt to tamp down unrealistic expectations and his suggestion Hamilton should start putting money aside for the project.

As he told The Spec, Metrolinx will only be funding "bare bones" rapid-transit lines.

There was no mistaking his meaning: If this or any other city wants things like gold-plated transit stops or plush seating, they'd better be prepared to pay for the upgrades themselves.

In other words, if Hamilton wants to put its own value-added stamp on the project, then it has to use its money to shape its dreams.

None of this should be cause for hand-wringing. It's still very good news that rapid transit is coming our way.

All MacIsaac has done is give us a little reality check, the kind you might expect from a friend.
Hamilton to push for LRT

Hamilton to push for LRT

October 20, 2008
By Rob Faulkner
The Hamilton Spectator

The city’s public works committee voted unanimously today to have staff push for light rail transit in the Metrolinx 2009-13 budget.

Councillors backed a staff recommendation, considered a move toward implementation, only after being assured that Hamilton will not pay for the cost of building what could become a $1.1 billion light rail transit (LRT) project.

It was a vote of support for a system staff say is crucial to solve future gridlock, helping the city’s image and environment, and insuring economic growth.

The most pressing priority for the city, and a shortlisted project for Metrolinx, is LRT along the east-west B line between Eastgate Square and McMaster University.

Staff also want planning and design of the north-south A line — which requires study due to its climb up the Mountain — in the Metrolinx budget due out this fall.
Awesome. Committee voted in favour of LRT. Next Tuesday it goes to Council for approval, which you can watch on Cable14 starting 7:30pm I believe.

After that it's pretty much all up to Metrolinx. Hopefully we'll get funding for constuction of the B-Line before 2015.
only after being assured that Hamilton will not pay for the cost of building what could become a $1.1 billion light rail transit (LRT) project

Easy to vote for that.
Easy to vote for that.

In a related matter, Mississauga Council voted to build a subway up Hurontario....on the condition that Brampton pay for it! ;)

Would any city turn down a couple of LRT lines if they were promised they would not have to pay for it?
Mayor wants assurance Hamilton's in line for LRT funding

The Spectator and the city is really pumping out the PR articles for LRT. Kudos to them

Mayor wants assurance Hamilton's in line for LRT funding
October 25, 2008
Rob Faulkner
The Hamilton Spectator
(Oct 25, 2008)

Mayor Fred Eisenberger wants a cost estimate for "the big six" projects Metrolinx is studying to be sure $11.5 billion in provincial cash won't vanish before Hamilton gets east-west light-rail transit (LRT).

Metrolinx is doing benefits case analysis of six projects assumed to reflect priorities in the regional transportation agency's 2009-13 capital budget, due next month.

"My question was, OK you've got projects here that are beneficial to municipalities in the Greater Toronto Area. What about the Hamilton project?" he said during a break in a Metrolinx meeting in Toronto. "I'm fairly confident there is room in the $11 billion, but I want to be sure."

The big six projects, well ahead in their analysis to determine how they should be built, are: York Viva bus rapid-transit expansion, the aging Scarborough rapid-transit line, Yonge subway extension north, Eglinton crosstown LRT, the Sheppard-Finch corridor and electrification of GO's Lakeshore rail line.

Eisenberger said his support for Metrolinx's final regional transportation plan next month depends on inclusion of Hamilton LRT. He had an ally in Durham region chair Roger Anderson, who felt the six projects would eat up $11 billion and a longer list of projects should have been considered.

Eisenberger also raised concern about Metrolinx's stated 2012-13 timeline for the already-approved GO/Via train platform at LIUNA Station. He said it can happen in two or three years, so asked that the job be moved up.
Quote from above:

The big six projects, well ahead in their analysis to determine how they should be built, are: York Viva bus rapid-transit expansion, the aging Scarborough rapid-transit line, Yonge subway extension north, Eglinton crosstown LRT, the Sheppard-Finch corridor and electrification of GO's Lakeshore rail line.

Is this accurate? What happened to the super-frequent every day service on the Georgetown GO (as far as downtown Brampton) that was part of the immediate focuses when the plan was first announced? This surprised me but in a pleasant way. Then when they released the stats a couple of weeks later and they showed that the Georgetown has the highest densities around their stations than any transit line in the GTA (other than the obvious Yonge and B-D subway lines) I realised that what I felt intuitively (that this underserved corridor had great potential).

Now someone is saying it is not one of the priority projects?
There are 15 priority projects found on page 61 of the draft RTP. Of those projects, about 6 are extremely high priority and will be ready for construction to begin in 2009 - those are the six you've listed. The rest will be built as they are ready to be built.
Since electrification of the Lakeshore Line is one of six "extremely high priority", does the project include all-day service to Hamilton?
Since electrification of the Lakeshore Line is one of six "extremely high priority", does the project include all-day service to Hamilton?

Until the tunnel to the GO centre can be upgraded, it will go to the James Street North station. It's unclear what will happen when the tunnel is upgraded, but I would like to see all day service to the GO Centre and the North Station being used as for service to Niagara.
Until the tunnel to the GO centre can be upgraded, it will go to the James Street North station. It's unclear what will happen when the tunnel is upgraded, but I would like to see all day service to the GO Centre and the North Station being used as for service to Niagara.

Me too. GO Centre makes a lot more sense for local transit connections, redevelopment, and the potential of people taking GO into Hamilton to work in the office towers there. Extension to Centennial Parkway with an intermediate stop or two would be possible as well. In fact, if I was a politician in Hamilton I would be placing this as a higher priority than the LRT.
Me too. GO Centre makes a lot more sense for local transit connections, redevelopment, and the potential of people taking GO into Hamilton to work in the office towers there. Extension to Centennial Parkway with an intermediate stop or two would be possible as well. In fact, if I was a politician in Hamilton I would be placing this as a higher priority than the LRT.

I'll leave it to the hamilton councillors to spin a fast, frequent train out of town as a priority, but it's closer to being completed than the LRT project (if going with DMUs in the interim is an option).

As for the LRT project, while it could probably do much more good for Hamilton than any place else, I'm starting to think that we should be increasing the Beeline to VIVA levels of service in the interim.
Hamilton’s on the funding train:Metrolinx
City on track to receive some of Crown corporation’s $11.5 billion pot for light rail transit system

By Kevin Werner, News Staff

Nov 07, 2008

Metrolinx chair Rob McIsaac is confident Hamilton will receive some cash from the Crown corporation’s $11.5 billion pot for its much-anticipated light rail transit system.

“I’m very hopeful we can flow some funds to Hamilton within the five-year time frame,†said Mr. McIsaac. “This is an important project. I’d like to see it proceed early in the Metrolinx plan.â€

Hamilton councillors recently recommended seeking $1.1 billion from Metrolinx to construct a light rail transit system for the city.

The system would consist of two lines: the ‘A’-line from Dundas’s University Plaza to Eastgate Sqaure, and a ‘B’-line from the waterfront to the Hamilton International Airport along Upper James.

“The project is in the top 15 priorities of Metrolinx,†said Mr. McIsaac. “I think the project is well positioned.â€

The former Burlington mayor remains optimistic that Hamilton’s LRT project won’t be ignored by the Metrolinx board when it makes its funding decision later this month. Hamilton is competing against predominately Greater Toronto Area transit projects that have been in development for a few years.

There is the rapid transit line along Eglinton Avenue, a new Hurontario Street rapid transit line from Port Credit to downtown Brampton, a new north-south transit route for York Region, a new Finch/Sheppard rapid transit corridor, upgrading the existing VIVA bus service in York Region and an express Go rail service from Oshawa to Hamilton.

The projects form the backbone of Metrolinx’s proposed “Big Move†strategy that will involve funding $50 billion over 25 years.

“If we fail to do anything, we are going to be facing even more gridlock,†said Hamilton mayor Fred Eisenberger.

Mr. Eisenberger, a Metrolinx board member, has stated in an interview he has been fighting for Hamilton’s projects at the board, and believes the city will get the necessary funding.

Dan Rodrigues of the Hamilton Chamber of Commerce transit committee argues the Metrolinx bord can’t overlook Hamilton.

“They can’t ignore us,†he said.
