Hamilton Hamilton Line B LRT | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

@OneCity, your guy did bad. come and explain

My guy?

Oh I get it. Since support the Scarborough subway so Ford is my guy? Let ignore all 99% of Liberals, NDP and Cons polticians within Scarborough that support SSE for various reasons. Please stop this bully trolling now, as these labels do nothing to allow fair discussion. There is no need for this crap.

This is really unfortunate news for Hamilton.
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My guy?

Oh I get it. Since support the Scarborough subway so Ford is my guy? Let ignore all 99% of Liberals, NDP and Cons in SSE. Dont troll with such nonsense.

This is really unfortunate news for Hamilton.
Not trolling. How is this good for transit. You too @Hopkins123. I love you're ideas on the DRL West but ford blew it this time.
Not trolling. How is this good for transit. You too @Hopkins123. I love you're ideas on the DRL West but ford blew it this time.

Its clear trolling and baiting. You called me out directly and labeling him as 'my guy'. If you had a question about the project, please just ask without narrowing down to this nonsense.

Ford has to own this, we'll see how Hamilton responds going forward as i don't see nearly the same type of support here as in Scarborough as the investment (or lack thereof here) is a downgrade for the inner City Hamilton residents and developers, whereas (in many opinions) Scarborough will receive an Centrally connected upgraded investment when its all finally said and done.

I imagine there is a very good chance this LRT line gets put back on the books when the Cons are out of office in the future. The partisan politics being played is very similar here to what we saw with the Fords in TO, but the overall political support and issue with the individual projects are very much different.
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Hamilton is NDP country, no good that it does them. Maybe next time they should vote to get their fearless leader Andrea to do her job and stand up for her home town. She's been AWOL lately and hasn't been heard in the media at all.
Its clear trolling and baiting. You called me out directly and labeling him as 'my guy'. If you had a question about the project, please just ask without narrowing down to this nonsense.

Ford has to own this, we'll see how Hamilton responds going forward as i don't see nearly the same type of support here as in Scarborough as the investment (or lack thereof here) is a downgrade for the inner City Hamilton residents and developers, whereas (in many opinions) Scarborough will receive an Centrally connected upgraded investment when its all finally said and done.

I imagine there is a very good chance this LRT line gets put back on the books when the Cons are out of office in the future. The partisan politics being played is very similar here to what we saw with the Fords in TO, but the overall political support and issue with the individual projects are very much different
Fair enough. Sorry if it came off that way. Just that you had been offline all day and wanted yo hear your opinon on this.
Hamilton is NDP country, no good that it does them. Maybe next time they should vote to get their fearless leader Andrea to do her job and stand up for her home town. She's been AWOL lately and hasn't been heard in the media at all.
Imagine losing three elections and keeping your job. Only the Ontario NDP.
If Finch or Hurontario balloon, they will go to. Both these projects are passed the 3 billion dollar mark.
Ford would have to explain to his riding want will replace Finch of he did. Finch doesn't need a lot of property acquisition unlike Hamilton plus the highway 400 bridge replacement will still be needed. Finch is already in construction so all costs are accounted for.
Hurontario is also awarded. So the cost is pretty finalized and will cost a lot of money to cancel.

The 5.5B figure is totally rigged in pointing fingers at the previous Liberal government. What they should announce is the capital cost which is 2.85B+765M = ~3.62B. It's so expensive to buy properties that it already ate up most of the money before any construction. Hamilton will probably only get 800M to spend since at least 200M is already spent on properties and work. The 2.85B is likely the best quote from the P3, they said hell no and cancelled it.
And yet another study to spend on nothing concrete. This is the ultimate delay spending tactic, which is something I was counting on from Ford and the Conservatives.

As if the Liberals were any better with delay tactics. Every single Miller-era LRT was reduced in scope, delayed by many years, then eventually cancelled altogether in some cases. And Wynne's cowardly decision to reject dedicated revenue tools to pay for transit, will forever ensure that money will be scarce and bitterly fought for by municipalities in every budget and election cycle. This province under both parties has proven to absolutely suck at delivering transit in a timely manner and sticking to previously established plans. Today's announcement is just a continuation of this pattern. Just another chapter in Ontario transit politics.
Ford would have to explain to his riding want will replace Finch of he did. Finch doesn't need a lot of property acquisition unlike Hamilton plus the highway 400 bridge replacement will still be needed. Finch is already in construction so all costs are accounted for.
Hurontario is also awarded. So the cost is pretty finalized and will cost a lot of money to cancel.

The 5.5B figure is totally rigged in pointing fingers at the previous Liberal government. What they should announce is the capital cost which is 2.85B+765M = ~3.62B. It's so expensive to buy properties that it already ate up most of the money before any construction. Hamilton will probably only get 800M to spend since at least 200M is already spent on properties and work. The 2.85B is likely the best quote from the P3, they said hell no and cancelled it.
Bridge replacement was coming LRT or not. Remeber the Beer Store and LCBO fiascos? He will have to attempt to fund the Ontario Line somehow.
The good thing is, with a different government, this is revivable.

TBH that belief has often been directed towards Hamilton's city hall more so than to other levels of government.

Pedsonally, I’m wondering if the money dedicated has essentially been cut, or it’s been internally reallocated for other projects.
Not trolling. How is this good for transit. You too @Hopkins123. I love you're ideas on the DRL West but ford blew it this time.

I fail to see why my name is being dragged into this. I rarely ever even go to Hamilton and when I do it's very central to the Hunter GO Station area. Ford disappoints but so did the Liberals whom had 15 years to build something and did nothing.
Probably close to $2B if you include maintenance, operations, and pensions in escalated (year of spending, so up to 2050 dollars). What is a bus driver salary in 2050? Possibly 200k/year with overhead and since ridership generally grows that's also when you'll need the most of them.

If you are inflating operating costs you can adjust revenue for inflation as well. Fares go up too. Also operating labour costs and the future pension payments are taxable income, so a portion of that is recouped by government in the future. I assume that part of their calculations was just ignored.
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Similar to the French University, perhaps Ford is using this to obtain funding from the Federal government.
After all, money has been flowing quite quickly to Quebec projects.
If you are inflating operating costs you can adjust revenue for inflation as well. Fares go up too. Also operating labour costs and the future pension payments are taxable income, so a portion of that is recouped by government in the future. I assume that part of their calculations was just ignored.

Correct. That was the price expected to be paid to the 3rd party; revenue to the government from customers is not part of that calculation.
Similar to the French University, perhaps Ford is using this to obtain funding from the Federal government.
After all, money has been flowing quite quickly to Quebec projects.

Interesting point- Quebec was looking for a 40% Federal funding point for their recent projects.

Hint hint, nudge nudge.

Ford now seems to be looking for the same levels of funding for the Ontario Line:
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TBH that belief has often been directed towards Hamilton's city hall more so than to other levels of government.

Pedsonally, I’m wondering if the money dedicated has essentially been cut, or it’s been internally reallocated for other projects.

Likely to the Ontaro Line or other pet projects of Ford's desires.

Hamilton is NDP country, no good that it does them. Maybe next time they should vote to get their fearless leader Andrea to do her job and stand up for her home town. She's been AWOL lately and hasn't been heard in the media at all.

Isn't it a sad state of affairs that unless you vote for the one in power, you get nothing?
