Does not look like they want to use the vibrator.
GO defends response to noise complaints
May 09, 2009 04:30 AM
GO Transit's board of directors defended its public image yesterday in reaction to noise complaints from people living near the West Toronto Diamond.
At what was probably the last meeting before the agency merges with Metrolinx, GO chair Peter Smith took exception to transit officials being called "callous" in their response to complaints about noisy construction on the Georgetown corridor.
"None of us are callous in any way in terms of our dealings with the public or in our responsibilities," he said, after residents' representative Mike Sullivan asked the board to cease piledriving in the area around Dundas St. W. and Dupont St.
GO managing director Gary McNeil said the agency is "doing everything we can to mitigate that noise," but isn't yet committed to using a quieter vibratory hammer.