I see they are adamant about not bringing the Dupont St underpass up to grade. Don't know what the residents feel, but it's a mistake IMHO.
The rendering of the crossing over CP is laughable for the amount of green space it suggests.
I don't mind the reflective finish, although not my first choice. It will definitely be annoying if it reflects into peoples' windows or yards, but at least with the sun moving the point of glare may move along quickly.
They did a much better job this time of including the electrification details, to give a truer picture of what it will look like.
- Paul
The rendering of the crossing over CP is laughable for the amount of green space it suggests.
I don't mind the reflective finish, although not my first choice. It will definitely be annoying if it reflects into peoples' windows or yards, but at least with the sun moving the point of glare may move along quickly.
They did a much better job this time of including the electrification details, to give a truer picture of what it will look like.
- Paul