Toronto GO Transit: Davenport Diamond Grade Separation | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

Are those tracks getting laid that I see đź‘€
According to the EA document track on the guideway will consist of rail fastened to concrete plinths. No ballast required, except on the end ramps.

- Paul
it will definitely simplify maintenance long term. No ballast to dig out and everything is hard fastened to the structure.
bit of a shame that theyre using precast sections but if it get things done quick and cheap with easy maintenance I guess its good to go.
I believe the plan is to clad the noise barriers with anodized aluminum. Certainly not the prettiest option, but I'll take aluminum over concrete any day.
The guideway was assessed as producing less vibration than ballasted track on earth.

Most vibrations in tracks come from joints in the track, switches, and rail movement. If there are no joints (continuously welded rail), no switches, and the rail is fastened firmly then trains should glide along them with almost no vibration.
