Toronto Globe and Mail Headquarters: Never-Built | ?m | 18s | The Globe and Mail | KPMB

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Not strange at all. They obviously got an offer they could not refuse. Construction certainly wasn't very far advanced that they couldn't turn on a dime.
I liked the design of this tower, but I think there is a lot of potential for a somewhat grand entrance to the "Freedton Centre" at this corner. Having such a huge development start mid-block on Front just wouldn't have worked.

Plus, as others have mentioned, maybe the Globe can slap its name on one of the new Southcore buildings (or RAC III?). I wonder how many square feet of space they need (it wasn't clear from this thread)?
Not strange at all. They obviously got an offer they could not refuse. Construction certainly wasn't very far advanced that they couldn't turn on a dime.

I think the comment was making reference to the turning on a dime - which is quite rare.

Much of this space is likely to be a shopping centre. There aren't too many attractive shopping centres out there, so there is a significant possibility that a reasonably attractive office development possessing a number of pluses was lost to a new home for Target.
Target is opening at York/Harbour - I doubt there will be another one here as well
I'm sure something similar can be dredged up for the location. Who knows, maybe Allied and Riocan go after Nordstrom - or maybe just a Nordstrom Rack.
I'm sure something similar can be dredged up for the location. Who knows, maybe Allied and Riocan go after Nordstrom - or maybe just a Nordstrom Rack.

This is surprising and disappointing. The G&M seemed engaged in a Toronto-building ethos, albeit briefly.
Why is everyone discrediting a relaunch possibility? High end architecture is not cheap, is it? I was under the assumption that it would've cost millions. In which case, I can't see the G&M completely trashing the idea. I think they'll find a cheaper piece of land in downtown to make some profit off the land they just sold, and build their new HQ. Somewhere near Corus, which seems like an ideal place to me.
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Target is opening at York/Harbour - I doubt there will be another one here as well

Where did you hear this?

For the record, construction on the Globe building hasn't stopped despite this announcement. They are still working as if its being built. Maybe they just sold ownership of the building/land, and will be leasing the space from the new owner?
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I noticed they moved the cell tower that was on the roof of the Toyota dealer to the parking lot across the street (North East corner of Spadina/Front.) Does anyone know who owns this land and what's planned for it?
I don't see this as a good thing... all the buildings / properties that RioCan owns / operate are a mess... IMO.
if G&M HQ is cancelled why shoring machines still there ? does this mean they can still continue for digging despite the cancellation until RioCan come up new design ?
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