To be fair, and full disclosure I am not a NIMBY, I would agree that the proposal is probably a bit much for that particular spot which while yes is close to Nash, its not an area really designed to fit that many more people in that space. The new elementary school there is already over capacity and has many portables. Assuming that families move in, that could easily be exacerbated. I live in the neighborhood and would not really be impacted by this but the people that I have talked to are happy with development there, just not 8 storeys. I do hope that it doesn't sit for a long time and that they come back with something that shows maybe just a little bit of compromise. Being realistic, LRT is nowhere in sight at the moment and this is a heavy car area and I think its safe to assume that people moving here would be using cars more than public transportation. Despite all that, I think the only thing I truly care about is that they hopefully dont rip out the nice mature trees along the street there, ha!