Developer: Cityzen Group, Diamond Corp, Fernbrook Homes, Greybrook Realty Partners
Architect: Hariri Pontarini Architects, bKL Architecture
Address: 30 Ordnance St, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Public Space / Park
Status: CompleteCompletion: TBD
Height: 389 ft / 118.56 mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto Garrison Point | 118.56m | 35s | Cityzen | Hariri Pontarini

Mike in TO

Senior Member
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Apr 23, 2007
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Downtown Toronto
Diamondcorp has submitted an application in ward 19 (Trinity Spadina) for the rezoning of 30 Ordnance Street (Strachan between the two CPR rail-lines) from industrial uses to mixed-use commercial and residential. The proposal includes the construction of 2 towers - Tower A 35 stories - Tower B 30 Stories - 516 residential units - 2229.6 m2 commercial space. The proposal includes two levels of below grade parking - 279 residential parking spaces - 34 visitor and 7 office spaces.
City Planning Refusal Report

Thanks Mike ... but I thought the related Official Plan Amendment application was already recommended for refusal by the Planning and Growth Management Committee on April 21, 2010?? Looks like Diamondcorp is just lining up their ducts with a rezoning application in preparation of a comprehesive OMB appeal.

City Planning Refusal Report:



The Official Plan Amendment application proposes to amend the Garrison Common North Secondary Plan to add an additional Site and Area Specific Policy that would apply to the subject lands.

The proposed Site and Area Specific Policy would apply to the triangular piece of land east of Strachan Avenue, between the GO Transit Georgetown rail corridor and the CNR and GO Transit Lakeshore rail corridors (the subject lands). The proposed policy would encourage development of a public park on the eastern portion of the lands (10 Ordnance Street) and introduce residential and mixed use permissions for the remainder of the area (11, 25 and 30 Ordnance Street, 45 Strachan Avenue).

The applicants have indicated they intend to redevelop 30 Ordnance Street with two high rise residential towers that would share a common podium that would accommodate a mix of uses, however, there is no specific development proposal submitted for review as part of this application for an Official Plan Amendment.​
What a stupid place to live. Will look cool though especially if the bridge at 10 ordnance gets built

It beleive the proposal is continuing to evolve. They've hired Hariri Pontarini and apparently a new rezoning application will be submitted.
I believe the salmon building just north of the tracks at Wellington and Strachan is a shelter. Hopefully this development will have some positive spillover for that place, because it looks pretty brutal.
Actually, I think this will be a great place to live. Parks north and south of you, the railway tracks prevent car traffic making the area more pedestrian friendly (except when there is a tfc game, I know Strachan has very little traffic too). The only thing I'd be worried about is the amount of rail traffic, but I don't live in the area so I can't comment on that.
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Hope this doesn't impede too much on Fort York. Otherwise, I am thrilled.
Thanks Mike ... but I thought the related Official Plan Amendment application was already recommended for refusal by the Planning and Growth Management Committee on April 21, 2010?? Looks like Diamondcorp is just lining up their ducts with a rezoning application in preparation of a comprehesive OMB appeal.

Best reference of the week!!!

^You are being facetious right? You were hoping (as was I) that Solaris was doing a play on words and creating a pun by saying "lining up their ducts".

Th expression should have been 'Lining up their ducks" as in the old adage: "Making sure all your ducks are in a row."

Some more recent info: The Planning and Growth Management committee overturned a planning staff recommendation to turn down a proposal to build two condo towers on the eastern edge of Liberty Village, opting instead to permit the towers but require significant space dedicated to employment uses (Adam Vaughan & Joe Pantalone worked out the deal to encourage Diamond Corp to include 24,000-sq.ft. of employment uses). The Planning and Growth Management Committee also encouraged the developer and city to agree to include pedestrian linkages to the planned Fort York pedestrian and cycle bridge (currently planned to run atop parks next to the proposed development). Councillor Peter Milczyn requested city staff to review the city’s ownership of lands adjacent to 30 Ordnanace and consult with BuildToronto on the redevelopment potential of such lands.
This is excellent news! I had been wondering when developers would start making a push eastward from Liberty Village into this cozy parcel, as well as along the south side of Wellington, which is in a horrific state with the abandoned power plant, surface lots, and the abattoir (the sooner it goes, the better). About two months ago I explored this triangle on foot for the first time after hearing that a jail used to be there. All I found were piles of rubbish, some industrial waste, a few old wood cabinets, and a used condom lying on top of a pair of small booty shorts (remnants of quite the romantic tryst, to be sure). All I thought was how much potential the land has, especially the point where the two railways separate. Screw putting yet another park there (there's an amazing one just up the street, Trinity-Bellwoods) - it's the perfect spot for an epic 50 storey + flatiron!
^You are being facetious right? You were hoping (as was I) that Solaris was doing a play on words and creating a pun by saying "lining up their ducts".

Th expression should have been 'Lining up their ducks" as in the old adage: "Making sure all your ducks are in a row."


I'm a cat, so facetious would be a bit of a stretch.

facetious |fəˈsiːʃəs|
treating serious issues with deliberately inappropriate humor; flippant.

The most I can muster up, as a cat, is jokey, playful, or teasing.

Of course you are right, it should be ducks, not ducts. And too bad too, as ducks would have me positively transfixed.
