Active Member
Dec. 14th. Bitter cold day for walking around. Probably won’t be coming for the remainder of 2019.
What is that metal frame to the left for?Dec. 14th. Bitter cold day for walking around. Probably won’t be coming for the remainder of 2019.
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I'm pretty sure it's still far from done.Pretty foreboding without any landscaping. Trees and greenery will make a big difference here.
Hey look, it's the Front Street Extension!
Stanley Park South isn't actually a completed park. They just sodded it over and planted a few trees as a temporary measure until a proper park facility can be designed and constructed.For those wondering about the park, Claude Cormier has some outdated renders on their site:
The issue I've seen so far with new city parks, especially Stanley Park south is that the landscaping is all done quite cheaply. Instead of these beautiful mature trees in the render, in reality you get some 8-10ft tall twigs and patchy crab grass..
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