Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

Those glitzing towers in the background... I couldn't think of a better backdrop for TIFF.

... and with the international exposure it would get during the festival this location would become iconic pretty fast, which wouldn't be a bad thing at all for TIFF or Toronto!
Unannounced King W & John St phase

There's a rumour circulating in the architecture community that Mirvish is reserving the West side of the site for another phase. The Eclipse White Wear Company building would be gutted to just its walls with a high rise tower emerging on the corner.

Rather than trying to fight the city at the OMB, Mirvish pulled back temporarily on his ambitions to something that the city planning department could agree on — the existing 2 tower configuration — while keeping the West end of the site undeveloped until a future date. That explains why we've heard virtually nothing about that end of the site as if it doesn't belong to the plan at all.

Mirvish's gallery could go in the historic building with residential/hotel/office going in the new tower above. No word on whether Gehry would be attached.
While maintaining the Princess of Wales Theatre was part of the deal to approve the two Gehry towers, parts of the building could be used in the future to prop up a tower on the building next door.

Before agreeing to keeping it, Mirvish was outspoken about his lack of personal attachment to the theatre and how the PoW was always meant to be temporary. Perhaps, rebuiling it into a Gehry designed signature theatre for Mirvish would be acceptable to city planning. There really is little of historic value about the Princess of Wales building itself. It was the loss of the land use as a theatre that the city objected to.

Alternatively, they could simply use the airspace above the theatre to cantilever a part of the tower over as was done with the already approved building on the other side.


I don't expect that we'll hear about this for quite some time, perhaps until after the current plan is built. We may however continue to see telltale signs that Mirvish is reserving the west end of the site for future development such as a delay in building the Mirvish art gallery that was much talked about during the original pitch but rarely mentioned when discussing the project today.
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MetroMan - The west side is part of the plan and the rezoning application, including the "free to the public" gallery. The rumour makes no sense at all.
Which goes to show people that buildings just don't 'pop up', they actually take years and years. It's fun to go back to the first post of a thread to see how many years a project took to complete. It's not that difficult to keep track of everything when it takes so long. Many proposals may come out in the year, but each one goes through that same process -- some longer than others, but nothing is ever quick.

It's not like residential homes in the suburbs that actually do pop up like weeds and take only a few months to build once they get building permits haha. Concrete and steel construction does take far longer than wood frame, obviously. But a 92 storey wood frame apt would be cool to see fly up.
We had a One Bloor East thread when UT first started back in the early 2000's. Three developers and countless redesigns later its finally rising 15 years later.
I would like to know, too. This project is progressing glacially through the red tape. It would likely sell out in less than a day.

Not sure this is a red tape issue at this point. Sales as of this fall.

