Developer: Great Gulf, Dream Unlimited, Westdale Properties
Architect: Gehry Partners
Address: 266 King St W, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo), Commercial (Office, Retail), Institutional
Status: ConstructionCrane(s): 1
Height: 1,011 ft / 308.00 mStoreys: 84 storeys
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Toronto Forma | 308m | 84s | Great Gulf | Gehry Partners

I guess I was one of the lucky ones to see it early this morning. 3 tall towers were shown, so not sure why this article is showing only two.
I guess I was one of the lucky ones to see it early this morning. 3 tall towers were shown, so not sure why this article is showing only two.

Those would be the western two. The third to the east is separated from them by Duncan Street.

Still not convinced the city should allow this.

Beautiful piece of art, but I don't think the location is appropriate.

If we capped building heights at 30 stories we'd have a much better city in the long term.
Looks great, but a number of brick warehouses on King Street West will be demolished for this as well.

They're likely the white painted ones beside the Princess of Wales theatre.
Not sure how I feel about the Princess of Wales Theatre being demolished...

Appropriately, that event will take place at the only other Gehry building in Canada -- the Art Gallery of Toronto, which re-opened four years ago after he re-invented it.

Hasn't it been called the AGO for years or am I missing something?
The cats out of the bag, you can never truly delete something once it's on the interwebs.

As per the project: Take whatever you want, tear down whatever, hell I'll sign over my (future) first born. Just take my money damn it.
Nice to see the Royal Alex preserved, and there are some other great heritage buildings along this stretch that I'd hate to see demolished. This project better be amazing. Contributions from this could make the John St revitalization a reality. This project is huge - it's an exciting time to be in Toronto.
