Toronto Fly Condos | ?m | 24s | Empire | Graziani + Corazza

I feel the same way about the retail. At least there is some commercial at the bases of the condos on the south side of here though. I think the bigger missed opportunity is the spaces looking onto the Skydome. You would think restaurants/cafes would automatically be busy around event times and could even use the area as a square type space on off event times.
I think Bremmer around Navy Wharf is more of a no mans land right now. I hope Signature will correct this but unfortunately I don't have much faith in Concord.
March 12th
Talk about perfect timing for a shot... !

Yeah, these are fairly high profile parking lots, in that a huge amount of people entering the city via the Gardiner drive past them.

This stretch of Front Street feels like what I imagine much of downtown Calgary to feel like.
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Who owns the rest of the lots, anything proposed ?
I think Element will look much better once enclosed on both sides with Fly and something else yet to be named to its north. Looks like it was meant to be simply street wall and attached on both sides by other buildings. (Speaking of which, anyone know of any proposals to element's north off chance?)
You're all asking the same question... the "lot to the north" of Element and the lot to the west of Fly are all connected... it's one enormous lot.

There was (is?) a sign on Front street about a proposal for a 4-story development for the site, but the sign is several years old...
Great shot gei.


Look forward to seeing more shots from your vantage point as the project proceeds.
