Toronto Fly Condos | ?m | 24s | Empire | Graziani + Corazza

According to Urbanation, as of Nov 11 Fly was 23 percent sold...

See pg 14 from Urbanations presentation.


  • Urbanation Presentation November 11 2008.jpg
    Urbanation Presentation November 11 2008.jpg
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So apparently the land is still currently only zoned for a 20 story building, and the city has not approved the increase to 26 stories.

There will be a meeting on january 20th with the community to discuss the impact of the height increase (mainly shadowing on clarence square park... setting a precedence for greater height on the north side of front st, etc).

Might we have another MODE in the making (mode was canceled because the height increase was never granted... all the investors pretty much got screwed).
It's my understanding that Fly has sold about 120 units out of a planned 396 units. Roughly 30% sold.

So whats the panic,the ground breaking is not scheduled until fall/winter 2009 which is still a year down the line.Away from the mediocre design of the building the location is great.This project will most likley get build.
So whats the panic,the ground breaking is not scheduled until fall/winter 2009 which is still a year down the line.Away from the mediocre design of the building the location is great.This project will most likley get build.

If they don't get the additional height approved then quite simply it will NOT get built (not in it's current form at least).

If I was buying into this project I would at least wait for that to happen. Not like this thing is gonna sell out anytime soon anyway.
If they don't get the additional height approved then quite simply it will NOT get built (not in it's current form at least).

If I was buying into this project I would at least wait for that to happen. Not like this thing is gonna sell out anytime soon anyway.

Dont they have a couple of 28-30 storey CityPlace buildings just across the street from this future site.
Yup, but the idea is to step down somewhat towards Clarence Square.

CityPlace Signature probably wouldn't even be visible from Clarence Square as it is directly (and significantly) behind the Apex towers from that vantage point.
CityPlace Signature probably wouldn't even be visible from Clarence Square as it is directly (and significantly) behind the Apex towers from that vantage point.

Exactly. Signature is WAY down the street...

Not only that but since spadina slopes down pretty dramatically around there... signature wont have nearly as much of an impact
Price is on the high side imho in this economy,I agree they might have a hard time reaching the magical %70 before construction starts..the area is better than the Concord condos..
Price is on the high side imho in this economy,I agree they might have a hard time reaching the magical %70 before construction starts..the area is better than the Concord condos..

uhhh.. what? so matrix/apex, which are DIRECTLY across the street (a few meters), are in a "worse" area? :confused:

People use to say that about the tridel element too... how it was in a more "desirable" area... always gave me a chuckle considering it's also directly across the street.
I think people mean the Concord condos south of the tracks... CityPlace proper, if you will.
I think people mean the Concord condos south of the tracks... CityPlace proper, if you will.

I think the Cityplace views there are far more superior than the views FLY will have. The best view on the 24th floor of FLY will probably be the east city view, which isn't too much to look at. As to the actual physical location, Cityplace is still better due to closer proximity to the lake.
I think the Cityplace views there are far more superior than the views FLY will have. The best view on the 24th floor of FLY will probably be the east city view, which isn't too much to look at. As to the actual physical location, Cityplace is still better due to closer proximity to the lake.
Close proximity to the lake is about as useful a feature as close proximity to the Skydome. Whoop-de-do. I could easily say Fly is in a better location because of its proximity to actual year-round things to do in this city (theatre district, entertainment district, King West, etc. But they're still literally right next to each other.

I think ducati is referring to separation between the block north of front street (Fly) which feels more like an actual part of the city in contrast with the desolate commieblock island that is Cityplace. This is an exaggeration, of course, but it's the same effect as the psycological barrier created by the Gardiner/rail corridor.
