Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

I forgot how long this is going to take, but its long overdue. FCP looks better with missing tiles than it did with them all filled in. LOL

The final product will make the Toronto skyline rejuvenated.

Testing out the zoom on my new camera. This was taken from the Queen-Spadina area today.
Crap, it looks like they're keeping the sign. The split in the M logo is noticeable from miles away.
As we can see from the photo, they've removed the old tiles and added in supports for the new fritted glass panels...around the sign. It's staying. :(
Crap, it looks like they're keeping the sign. The split in the M logo is noticeable from miles away.
As we can see from the photo, they've removed the old tiles and added in supports for the new fritted glass panels...around the sign. It's staying. :(

Seems odd to me, logos come and go and one assumes they expect the new cladding to remain for decades. I assumed (in error it seems) that the logo was superimposed onto the cladding. Sigh!
The signs really are'nt that old...and cost into the millions, I think they are here to stay. A year from now we could be in the fortys.
It's interesting how the "in the throes of recladding" image of FCP's made it onto the new Toronto Life cover...
Crap, it looks like they're keeping the sign. The split in the M logo is noticeable from miles away.
As we can see from the photo, they've removed the old tiles and added in supports for the new fritted glass panels...around the sign. It's staying. :(

The shape of the sign is staying of course, but the facade of it can still be changed out.
