Toronto First Canadian Place Rejuvenation | 298.08m | 72s | Brookfield | MdeAS Architects

Any news on anything happening with the antennae? I think the reclad looks great, but the horrendous mess of antennas at the top of this building will always make it look terrible.

Reason I ask is the free-to-air crowd is talking about how CityTV and Omni are moving their broadcast sites from FCP to the CN Tower sometime mid-october. This has all but been confirmed. Is this related to a bigger change regarding the FCP antennas or is that just wishful thinking?

Edit: Actually I think the move already happened...

I wouldn't mind seeing the antennae removed, but I hope that they replace it with some sort of spire. Seeing FCP without something on top would just look weird.
Looked fine to me:

I don't know. To me it just doesn't look right. Same as shots of the Empire State Building in the first couple decades after it was built. Maybe it's just what I'm used to.
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I wouldn't mind seeing the antennae removed, but I hope that they replace it with some sort of spire. Seeing FCP without something on top would just look weird.

Agreed... it would look incredible with a spire on top. I think the antennae as they are however make the building look terrible.
I find without he antennas, it looks a bit too much like an AON center... i wouldn't mind seeing a spire, or 4 mini ones at each corner,
Giant swirling glow sticks controlled by mock canadian space arm!
